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如何对这个列表进行排序以使指数值 go 在前?

[英]How to sort this list to make the exponent value go first?

Given list = [10, '3 ^ 2', '2 ^ 3'] , how to sort the list to make the exponents values ( '3 ^ 2' and 2 ^ 3 ) are before any integer / float value and exponent values are sorted from the base.给定list = [10, '3 ^ 2', '2 ^ 3'] ,如何对列表进行排序以使指数值( '3 ^ 2'2 ^ 3 )在任何integer / float值和指数值之前从基地排序。

Desired Output: ['2 ^ 3', '3 ^ 2', 10] Desired Output: ['2 ^ 3', '3 ^ 2', 10]

I have tried to remove() and insert() the value but I can't figure out how to find the index to insert the value in.我试过remove()insert()这个值,但我不知道如何找到索引来插入这个值。

You shouldn't use list as a variable, it is reserved in python.您不应该将列表用作变量,它在 python 中保留。

Not pretty, but you can use this不漂亮,但你可以用这个

sorted(mylist, key=lambda x: (-len(str(x).split('^')), str(x).split('^')[0]))

This is sorting according to two criteria, first if there is an exponent, and then by the value of the base.这是根据两个标准进行排序,首先是有指数,然后是底数。


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