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是否可以在 Android 中创建一个弹出窗口 window,通过纹理视图显示实时视频源?

[英]Is it possible to create a popup window in Android that displays a live video feed via a texture view?

I am currently building out our application to display a live video feed from the DJI SDK mobile on the android application.我目前正在构建我们的应用程序,以在 android 应用程序上显示来自 DJI SDK 移动设备的实时视频源。 However, I am having a hard time figuring out how to display the popup with a texture view as the SDK states it needs to display on for the video feed to work.但是,我很难弄清楚如何显示带有纹理视图的弹出窗口,因为 SDK 声明它需要显示才能使视频源正常工作。 Has anyone created a popup with a texture view within it?有没有人在其中创建了一个带有纹理视图的弹出窗口?

You can try to create custom window with TextureView and read buffer without any problem.您可以尝试使用 TextureView 创建自定义 window 并毫无问题地读取缓冲区。

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