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FlutterFire/Firebase CLI:无法为项目 myapp-e8cd7 创建 iOS 应用程序

[英]FlutterFire/Firebase CLI: Failed to create iOS app for project myapp-e8cd7

I have been trying to register my flutter application with firebase in android studio, but it shows me this error:我一直在尝试在 android 工作室中使用 firebase 注册我的 flutter 应用程序,但它向我显示此错误:

abubakarshafiu@Abubakars-MBP myapp %  flutterfire configure -icom.ios.bubdle                                                                           
i Found 5 Firebase projects.                                                                                                                            
✔ Select a Firebase project to configure your Flutter application with · myapp-e8cd7 (MyApp)                                                            
✔ Which platforms should your configuration support (use arrow keys & space to select)? · android, ios, macos, web                                      
i Firebase android app com.example.myapp registered.                                                                                                    
i Firebase ios app com.ios.bubdle registered.                                                                                                           
✔ Which macos bundle id do you want to use for this configuration, e.g. 'com.example.app'? · 'com.example.myapp'?                                       
i Firebase macos app 'com.example.myapp'? is not registered on Firebase project myapp-e8cd7.                                                            
i Registered a new Firebase macos app on Firebase project myapp-e8cd7.                                                                                  
FirebaseCommandException: An error occured on the Firebase CLI when attempting to run a command.
COMMAND: firebase apps:create ios myapp (macos) --bundle-id='com.example.myapp'? --json --project=myapp-e8cd7 
ERROR: Failed to create iOS app for project myapp-e8cd7. See firebase-debug.log for more info.

i try applying this code but it still gave me the-same error我尝试应用此代码,但它仍然给了我同样的错误

flutterfire configure -icom.ios.bubdle 

How do i fix Failed to create iOS app for project myapp-e8cd7我该如何修复无法为项目 myapp-e8cd7 创建 iOS 应用程序

i have found the answer that i have been questioning and no one give me the answer but letter on i realise that the problem is from my idle platform which is Android Studio which i have to tick the four column which are android, ios, mac and web columns.我找到了我一直在质疑的答案,但没有人给我答案,但我意识到问题出在我的闲置平台 Android Studio 上,我必须勾选四列,即 android、ios、mac 和web 列。 And also you should just go to your firebase console site just copy and paste the root of your flutter project in which ever idle you are using.而且你应该只是 go 到你的 firebase 控制台站点只需复制并粘贴你的 flutter 项目的根目录,你正在使用它。 Android Studio Android 工作室

firebase console site firebase 控制台站点

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