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FlutterFire/Firebase CLI:無法為項目 myapp-e8cd7 創建 iOS 應用程序

[英]FlutterFire/Firebase CLI: Failed to create iOS app for project myapp-e8cd7

我一直在嘗試在 android 工作室中使用 firebase 注冊我的 flutter 應用程序,但它向我顯示此錯誤:

abubakarshafiu@Abubakars-MBP myapp %  flutterfire configure -icom.ios.bubdle                                                                           
i Found 5 Firebase projects.                                                                                                                            
✔ Select a Firebase project to configure your Flutter application with · myapp-e8cd7 (MyApp)                                                            
✔ Which platforms should your configuration support (use arrow keys & space to select)? · android, ios, macos, web                                      
i Firebase android app com.example.myapp registered.                                                                                                    
i Firebase ios app com.ios.bubdle registered.                                                                                                           
✔ Which macos bundle id do you want to use for this configuration, e.g. 'com.example.app'? · 'com.example.myapp'?                                       
i Firebase macos app 'com.example.myapp'? is not registered on Firebase project myapp-e8cd7.                                                            
i Registered a new Firebase macos app on Firebase project myapp-e8cd7.                                                                                  
FirebaseCommandException: An error occured on the Firebase CLI when attempting to run a command.
COMMAND: firebase apps:create ios myapp (macos) --bundle-id='com.example.myapp'? --json --project=myapp-e8cd7 
ERROR: Failed to create iOS app for project myapp-e8cd7. See firebase-debug.log for more info.


flutterfire configure -icom.ios.bubdle 

我該如何修復無法為項目 myapp-e8cd7 創建 iOS 應用程序

我找到了我一直在質疑的答案,但沒有人給我答案,但我意識到問題出在我的閑置平台 Android Studio 上,我必須勾選四列,即 android、ios、mac 和web 列。 而且你應該只是 go 到你的 firebase 控制台站點只需復制並粘貼你的 flutter 項目的根目錄,你正在使用它。 Android 工作室

firebase 控制台站點


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