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SwiftUI 通过 ForEach 中的按钮将数据移入结构化数组

[英]SwiftUI remove data into a structured array via a button in a ForEach

I'm trying to remove a line in my structured array when user click on the delete button.当用户单击删除按钮时,我试图删除结构化数组中的一行。 But as I use a foreach to load all my array lines into a specific subview I don't know how to pass the index of the ForEach into my subview to delete my line...但是当我使用 foreach 将我所有的数组行加载到特定的子视图中时,我不知道如何将 ForEach 的索引传递到我的子视图中以删除我的行......

My code is like this,我的代码是这样的

                VStack {
                    ForEach(planeLibrary.testPlane){plane in
                        ZStack {
                            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 16, style: .continuous)
                                .shadow(color: Color(Color.RGBColorSpace.sRGB, white: 0, opacity: 0.2), radius: 4)
                            PlaneCellView(plane: plane, planeLibrary: planeLibrary, line: ???)
                }.padding(.horizontal, 16)

And my PlaneCellView:还有我的 PlaneCellView:

@State var plane: Plane
@ObservedObject var planeLibrary: PlaneLibrary
var line: Int
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                    Text(plane.isSe ? "SE" : "ME")
                    Text(plane.isNight ? "-  Night" : "")
                    Text(plane.isIfr ? "-  IFR" : "")
            Button {
               // HERE I don't know how to delete my array line ...
               planeLibrary.testPlane.remove(at: line) 
            } label: {
                 Image(systemName: "trash.circle")
                       .font(.system(size: 30))

My Plane library:我的飞机库:

struct Plane: Identifiable{
    let id = UUID().uuidString
    let planeImat: String
    let planeType: String
    let isSe: Bool
    let isIfr: Bool
    let isNight: Bool
    let autoID: String
    init (planeImat: String, planeType: String, isSe: Bool, isIfr: Bool, isNight: Bool, autoID: String){
        self.planeType = planeType
        self.planeImat = planeImat
        self.isSe = isSe
        self.isIfr = isIfr
        self.isNight = isNight
        self.autoID = autoID
    init(config: NewPlaneConfig){
        self.planeImat = config.imat
        self.planeType = config.type
        self.isSe = config.isSe
        self.isIfr = config.isIfr
        self.isNight = config.isNight
        self.autoID = config.autoID

I've already try to add id: \.self as I was able to find on this forum but without any success.我已经尝试添加id: \.self因为我能够在这个论坛上找到但没有成功。

You haven't actually included PlaneLibrary, so I will assume that planeLibrary.testPlane is an array of Plane structs.您实际上还没有包含 PlaneLibrary,所以我假设 planeLibrary.testPlane 是一个 Plane 结构数组。

There are many ways of solving this, including changing testPlane to be a Dictionary of Plane structs (indexed by id), or if order is important, in an OrderedDictionary (add the swift-collections package to your project and import OrderedCollections in the file where it is used).有很多方法可以解决这个问题,包括将 testPlane 更改为平面结构字典(由 id 索引),或者如果顺序很重要,则在 OrderedDictionary 中(将swift-collections package添加到您的项目并在文件中import OrderedCollections它被使用)。 You could use testPlane.removeValue(at: id) to remove the plane from either type of dictionary.您可以使用testPlane.removeValue(at: id)从任一类型的字典中删除平面。

If you keep it as an array, but your array might be large and you're worried about run-time efficiency, the best thing to do is to change your ForEach to include the index of the planes in the loop.如果您将它保存为一个数组,但您的数组可能很大并且您担心运行时效率,最好的办法是更改您的 ForEach 以在循环中包含平面的索引。

It would look something like this:它看起来像这样:

ForEach(Array(planeLibrary.testPlane.enumerated()), id: \.element.id) { index, plane in
    // In this code you can use either plane, or index.
    // UI code
    { // remove closure
         planeLibrary.testPlane.remove(at: index)

But if the array is of reasonable size, you could keep it as it is now and use testPlane.remove(where:) to find it by id at the time of deletion.但是如果数组的大小合理,你可以保持它现在的样子,并在删除时使用testPlane.remove(where:)通过id找到它。 The code for this is much simpler and easier to read and understand, so it should probably be your first choice.这样做的代码更简单,更容易阅读和理解,因此它应该是您的首选。 Optimise for large lists later, if you need.如果需要,稍后针对大型列表进行优化。

You can't pass the index in because that will crash the ForEach View.您不能传入索引,因为这会使ForEach视图崩溃。 Instead, look up its index using its ID afterwards to remove it, eg相反,之后使用其 ID 查找其索引以将其删除,例如

class RecipeBox: ObservableObject {
    @Published var allRecipes: [Recipe]
    @Published var collections: [String]


    func delete(_ recipe: Recipe) {
    func delete(_ id: Recipe.ID) {
        if let index = index(for: id) {
            allRecipes.remove(at: index)
    func index(for id: Recipe.ID) -> Int? {
        allRecipes.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == id })

This sample is from Defining the source of truth using a custom binding (Apple Developer)此示例来自使用自定义绑定定义真实来源(Apple Developer)

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