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在 Athena 中创建视图,但“多次指定列名”

[英]Create View in Athena but "column name specified more than once"

I have created a SELECT query that joins three tables in AWS Athena - the query itself works...我创建了一个 SELECT 查询,它连接了 AWS Athena 中的三个表——查询本身有效……

Select t1.*, t2.*, t3.*
from "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitem" as t1
INNER Join "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitemtag" as t2
ON t1.orderitemid=t2.orderitemid
LEFT Join "analytics_poc"."stg_tag" as t3
ON t3.tagid=t2.tagid

However, when I try to create a VIEW from this query I get this error...但是,当我尝试从此查询创建 VIEW 时出现此错误...

Select t1.*, t2.*, t3.*
from "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitem" as t1
INNER Join "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitemtag" as t2
ON t1.orderitemid=t2.orderitemid
LEFT Join "analytics_poc"."stg_tag" as t3
ON t3.tagid=t2.tagid
line 1:1: Column name 'orderitemid' specified more than once.

Does anyone know why this is the case?有谁知道为什么会这样?

It would appear that a column called orderitemid exists in more than one of those tables.看起来在多个表中存在一个名为orderitemid的列。

The SELECT command doesn't mind having multiple output columns with the same name, but CREATE VIEW doesn't allow it. SELECT命令不介意多个 output 列同名,但CREATE VIEW不允许。

You could try USING instead, which removes the 'join' column.您可以尝试USING ,它会删除“加入”列。

Change this line:更改此行:

INNER Join "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitemtag" as t2 ON t1.orderitemid=t2.orderitemid


INNER Join "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitemtag" as t2 ON USING(orderitemid)

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