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Create View in Athena but "column name specified more than once"

I have created a SELECT query that joins three tables in AWS Athena - the query itself works...

Select t1.*, t2.*, t3.*
from "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitem" as t1
INNER Join "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitemtag" as t2
ON t1.orderitemid=t2.orderitemid
LEFT Join "analytics_poc"."stg_tag" as t3
ON t3.tagid=t2.tagid

However, when I try to create a VIEW from this query I get this error...

Select t1.*, t2.*, t3.*
from "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitem" as t1
INNER Join "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitemtag" as t2
ON t1.orderitemid=t2.orderitemid
LEFT Join "analytics_poc"."stg_tag" as t3
ON t3.tagid=t2.tagid
line 1:1: Column name 'orderitemid' specified more than once.

Does anyone know why this is the case?

It would appear that a column called orderitemid exists in more than one of those tables.

The SELECT command doesn't mind having multiple output columns with the same name, but CREATE VIEW doesn't allow it.

You could try USING instead, which removes the 'join' column.

Change this line:

INNER Join "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitemtag" as t2 ON t1.orderitemid=t2.orderitemid


INNER Join "analytics_poc"."stg_orderitemtag" as t2 ON USING(orderitemid)

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