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使用自定义 OpenVINO 操作抛出错误:what(): Operation: output_name0 of type Identity(op::v0) is not supported

[英]Use Custom OpenVINO Operations throw an error : what(): Operation: output_name0 of type Identity(op::v0) is not supported

I customized a class by referring to the official openvino document. 我参考openvino官方文档定制了一个class。 This is my class. code copy from here.这是我的 class。 代码从这里复制。 When I use this class in Post processing Customize operations, it throws an error: what(): Operation: output_name0 of type Identity(op::v0) is not supported当我在后处理自定义操作中使用这个 class 时,它会抛出一个错误:what(): Operation: output_name0 of type Identity(op::v0) is not supported

//  .convert_layout("NHWC")
//  .convert_element_type(ov::element::u8)
    .custom([](const ov::Output<ov::Node>& node) {
         return std::make_shared<TemplateExtension::Identity>(node);

Here I learn how to use openvino Post-processing Customize operations. 在这里我学习如何使用openvino Post-processing Customize操作。

Please help me how to use my custom operator in Post-processing Customize operations!!请帮助我如何在后处理自定义操作中使用我的自定义运算符!!

return std::make_shared<TemplateExtension::Identity>(node); doesn't contain any value.不包含任何值。 You need to use return std::make_shared<ov::opset8::Abs>(node);您需要使用return std::make_shared<ov::opset8::Abs>(node); . .

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