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如何将字符串指针从 C 传递到 Python?

[英]How to pass a string pointer-to-pointer from C to Python?

I need to pass a string pointer-to-pointer from C to Python, so Python can update the pointer and C can read it later.我需要将一个字符串指针从 C 传递到 Python,这样 Python 可以更新指针,C 可以稍后读取它。


  1. C set a char** C 设置一个char**
  2. C call Python C 拨打Python
  3. Python allocate memory Python 分配 memory
  4. Python update the char** Python 更新char**
  5. C read the string C 读取字符串

C Code: C 代码:

#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#   define API __declspec(dllexport)
#   define API

typedef void (*CALLBACK)(char**);


// Expose API to register the callback
API void set_callback(CALLBACK cb) {
    g_cb = cb;

// Expose API to call the Python callback with a char**
API void call_python_function(char** pp) {
    if(g_cb) {
        printf("Python response: %s\n", *pp);

Python Code: Python 代码:

import ctypes as ct


dll = ct.CDLL('./test')
dll.set_callback.argtypes = CALLBACK,
dll.set_callback.restype = None
dll.call_python_function.argtypes = POINTER(POINTER(ctypes.c_char)),
dll.call_python_function.restype = None

def my_function(pp):
    buffer = ct.create_string_buffer(128)
    pp = buffer 

Output: Output:

Python response: (null)

No errors or warnings while building, C can call the Python function no issue, but Python can't update the char** .构建时没有错误或警告,C 可以调用 Python function 没问题,但 Python 无法更新char** My question is How can I pass a string pointer-to-pointer from C to Python?我的问题是如何将字符串指针从 C 传递到 Python?

Here's a working example of passing a char** from C to Python.这是将char**从 C 传递到 Python 的工作示例。


#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#   define API __declspec(dllexport)
#   define API

typedef void (*CALLBACK)(char**);


// Expose API to register the callback
API void set_callback(CALLBACK cb) {
    g_cb = cb;

// Expose API to call the Python callback with a char**
API void call_python_function(char** pp) {
    if(g_cb) {
        printf("%s\n", *pp);


import ctypes as ct

# Set up some types.
# Note that `c_char_p` can't be used as ctypes has special handling
# to convert it to a Python bytes object that inteferes with the
# callback working properly.
PCHAR = ct.POINTER(ct.c_char)
CALLBACK = ct.CFUNCTYPE(None, PPCHAR) # Note first parameter is return value

dll = ct.CDLL('./test')
# Declare function arguments and return values
dll.set_callback.argtypes = CALLBACK,
dll.set_callback.restype = None
dll.call_python_function.argtypes = PPCHAR,
dll.call_python_function.restype = None

# Set up callback function.  Note that the buffer can't go out-of-scope
# once the function returns or undefined behavior occurs, so the buffer
# is stored as an attribute of the function object so it will continue
# to exist.  A global variable would work, too.
def my_function(pp):
    my_function.buffer = ct.create_string_buffer(b'Hi From Python')
    pp[0] = my_function.buffer  # [0] dereferences char** so can assign char*

p = PCHAR()
# Cast to a `c_char_p` to access `.value` and get a bytes object
# up to the terminating null.
print(ct.cast(p, ct.c_char_p).value)

Output: Output:

Hi From Python
b'Hi From Python'

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