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[英]In unity how can i do additional stuff after creating an asset in the editor?

I want to extend the functionality creating a scene.我想扩展创建场景的功能。 Right now I just right click in the project view in the folder where I want the asset to be created, choose "Create", and pick "Scene" and then I make this scene addressable, put it into a scriptable object and so on.现在,我只需在要创建资产的文件夹中的项目视图中右键单击,选择“创建”,然后选择“场景”,然后我将这个场景设置为可寻址,将其放入可编写脚本的 object 等等。 I'd like to make this process automatic.我想让这个过程自动化。 Is there a way to extend Unity create asset menu options?有没有办法扩展 Unity 创建资产菜单选项? Mainly I'd love if after pressing create scene a dialogue box would pop up which would handle the rest of the process.主要是我希望在按下创建场景后弹出一个对话框来处理该过程的 rest。

I tried looking for options online but I couldn't find examples of this anywhere.我试着在网上寻找选项,但在任何地方都找不到这方面的例子。 Is this possible to do in Unity?这可以在 Unity 中完成吗?

I'm sure you will not find any related example because your use case is unique.我确定您不会找到任何相关示例,因为您的用例是独一无二的。

Try to find an example for every step you are described above.尝试为上面描述的每个步骤找到一个示例。

I will try to explain process step by step, but you will have to do the coding part by yourself.我将尝试逐步解释过程,但您必须自己完成编码部分。

This is very general answer but I hope it will give some clue how to solve your problem.这是非常笼统的答案,但我希望它能为解决您的问题提供一些线索。

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