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如何在 F# 中打印用于调用此 function 的 function 参数名称

[英]How to print function argument name that was used to call this function in F#

How can I print argument function name that was used to call this function?如何打印用于调用此 function 的参数 function 名称?

open System
open System.Threading.Tasks

let logger (f: ('a -> Task<'b>)) : ('a -> Task<'b>) =
    printfn "Hey: %O" (nameof f) // I would like to print "myFunc", not "f"

let myFunc x = task {return x }

let d = (logger myFunc) 3

You could use the ReflectedDefinition(true) attribute, which automatically quotes the argument of a method call and gives you both the value (to use at runtime) and the code quotation from which you can (if the format is right) extract the name.您可以使用ReflectedDefinition(true)属性,它会自动引用方法调用的参数并为您提供值(在运行时使用)和您可以从中提取名称的代码引用(如果格式正确)。 This only seems to work with method calls though:这似乎只适用于方法调用:

type Logger = 
  static member log([<ReflectedDefinition(true)>]f: Expr<('a -> Task<'b>)>) : ('a -> Task<'b>) =
    match f with 
    | Patterns.WithValue(v, _, Patterns.Lambda(_, Patterns.Call(_, mi, _))) ->
        printfn "Hello %s!" mi.Name
        unbox v
    | _ -> failwith "Wrong format"

let myFunc x = task {return x }

let d = (Logger.log myFunc) 3

The design and motivation of this is discussed in the F# 4.0 Speclet: Auto-Quotation of Arguments at Method Calls F# 4.0 Speclet: Auto-Quotation of Arguments at Method Calls中讨论了这种设计和动机

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