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为发送到 New Relic 的自定义事件创建带有自定义时间戳的时间序列图表

[英]Create Timeseries chart with custom timestamp for custom events sent to New Relic

I have some custom load test data, something like -我有一些自定义负载测试数据,比如 -

{“payload_size”: 15, “response_time”: 0.2, “timestamp”: 1670584754} {“payload_size”:15,“response_time”:0.2,“timestamp”:1670584754}

So i wanted to plot payload_size against timestamp as a timeseries chart, but the issue is I am sending all of this data in bulk, which may include 600 events like this (if ran for 10 minutes).所以我想将 plot payload_size 与时间戳作为时间序列图表,但问题是我批量发送所有这些数据,其中可能包括 600 个这样的事件(如果运行 10 分钟)。

So when i do timeseries, it shows me one entry only as all the data is pushed at simple point of time.所以当我做时间序列时,它只显示一个条目,因为所有数据都是在简单的时间点推送的。 Is there a workaround for this.有没有解决方法。 I am using EventAPI to send all the data.我正在使用 EventAPI 发送所有数据。

Yes - you can do this with New Relic's custom visualizations是的——您可以使用 New Relic 的自定义可视化来做到这一点

I wrote one specifically for this same use case here: https://github.com/khpeet/custom-timeseries我在这里专门为同一个用例写了一个: https://github.com/khpeet/custom-timeseries

This allows you to plot your values on a timeseries chart with your own custom timestamp field.这允许您使用自己的自定义时间戳字段在时间序列图表上 plot 您的值。 Note that timestamp is a reserved word in New Relic though, so you probably have to rename your timestamp key to something else upon posting the events via API.请注意, timestamp是 New Relic 中的保留字,因此您可能必须在通过 API 发布事件时将时间戳键重命名为其他名称。

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