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有没有办法同时在一个类的多个实例上运行一个函数? 带 MIDI 控制的独立多节拍器

[英]Is there a way to run a funcion on several instances of a class at exactly the same time? Independent Multi-Metronome with MIDI ctrl

Hi:) I am programming an independent multi-metronome and need to run the funciont beat() on a while loop for every instances of my class Metronome() , starting at the same time.嗨 :) 我正在编写一个独立的多节拍器,需要同时开始为我的类 Metronome() 的每个实例在 while 循环上运行 funciont beat()

import time
import mido
from numpy import interp
from IPython.display import clear_output

inport = mido.open_input() #my MIDI is a KORG nanoKontrol 2

class Metronome(): 
    #A dict for my MIDI controller
    metronomes_controls = {
          'inst_number':[n + 0 for n in range(0,7)], 
          'vol_slide':[n + 0 for n in range(0,7)],
          'tempo_knob': [n + 16 for n in range(0,7)],
          'play_stop': [n + 32 for n in range(0,7)],
          'sync_selected': [n + 48 for n in range(0,7)],
          'tap_button': [n + 64 for n in range(0,7)]} 

    def __init__(self, inport, inst_number = 0, tempo=60, active=True,
                 on_off_list = ['ON','OFF','ON','OFF'], selector = 0):
        self.inport = inport
        self.inst_number = inst_number
        self.tempo = tempo
        self.active = active
        self.on_off_list = on_off_list #The controller is not so precise
        self.selector = selector
        self.controls = dict(zip(list(metronomes_controls.keys()), 
                        [val[self.inst_number] for val in metronomes_controls.values()]))
    def beat(self):
        if self.active == True:
            print('Tick', self.tempo) #this is going to be a sound

    def update(self):
        msg = self.inport.receive(block=False)

        for msg in inport.iter_pending():
            if msg.control == self.controls['tempo_knob']:
                self.tempo = int(interp(msg.value,[0,127],[20,99]))

            if msg.control == self.controls['play_stop']:
                self.selector += 1
                if self.selector >3:
                    self.selector = 0
                if 'ON' in self.on_off_list[self.selector]:
                    self.active = True 
                if 'OFF' in self.on_off_list[self.selector]:
                    self.active = False

#Creating two instances of my class
m0 = Metronome(inport = inport, inst_number = 0)
m1 = Metronome(inport = inport,inst_number = 1)
m2 = Metronome(inport = inport,inst_number = 1)  
m3 = Metronome(inport = inport,inst_number = 1)            

#They run on a while loop. All should start at the same time.
while True:

I read about threading but it seems to create some starting delay.我阅读了有关线程的信息,但它似乎会造成一些启动延迟。 Then I got into barries , but I couldn't imagine how to implement it:/ or maybe should I try something with multiprocess?然后我进入了barries ,但我无法想象如何实现它:/或者我应该尝试使用多进程? I got really lost!我真的迷路了! Any advice is highly appreciated非常感谢任何建议

Thanks for the help!!!谢谢您的帮助!!!

Create one thread per metronome and start them at (almost) the same time:为每个节拍器创建一个线程并(几乎)同时启动它们:

from threading import Thread

# Previous code...

def create_thread(inport, inst_number):
  # The function the thread is going to execute
  def inner():
    m = Metronome(inport, inst_number)

  return Thread(target=inner)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  inport = mido.open_input()

  # Create the threads
  threads = [
    create_thread(inport, i) for i in (0, 1, 1, 1)

  # Start them at (almost) the same time
  for t in threads:

  # Wait for them to finish execution
  for t in threads:

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