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[英]How to conditional concatanate in R?

I'm trying to extract some characters from a vector called "identhog" which is allocated in the table "E".我正在尝试从表“E”中分配的名为“identhog”的向量中提取一些字符。 But I want to extract some characters according with its text length.但我想根据其文本长度提取一些字符。 Then if the lenght of the text in the vector is 10 I want to extract some characters, otherwise I want to extract another characters from another position.然后如果向量中文本的长度是 10 我想提取一些字符,否则我想从另一个位置提取另一个字符。

if (nchar(E$identhog)==10) {
   E <- mutate(E,prueba2= substr(E$identhog, 2, 6))
   } else {
   E <- mutate(E, prueba2=substr(E$identhog, 3,7))

I´m using an IF ELSE conditional, but When I run the code the following message shows up.我使用 IF ELSE 条件,但是当我运行代码时,会显示以下消息。

 "Warning message: In if (nchar(E$identhog) == 10) { : the condition has length > 1 and only 
  the first element will be used"

And R ignores my whole IF conditional and just run: R 忽略我的整个 IF 条件并运行:

  E <- mutate(E,prueba2= substr(E$identhog, 2, 6))

How can I fix this?我怎样才能解决这个问题? I have investigated about this problem and it seems that happens because I'm attempting to use an if() function to check for some condition, but it's passing a vector to the if() function instead of individual elements.我已经调查了这个问题,这似乎是因为我试图使用 if() 函数来检查某些条件,但它正在将向量传递给 if() 函数而不是单个元素。

I understand that R is just checking one element in a vector at one time, but I want to check each individual element.我知道 R 只是一次检查向量中的一个元素,但我想检查每个单独的元素。 Some users tell that the command "ifelse" is a solution, but it is not working with my data for the amount of information it has.一些用户说命令“ifelse”是一个解决方案,但就其拥有的信息量而言,它无法处理我的数据。

     E <- mutate(E,prueba2= substr(E$identhog, 2, 6)), 
     E <- mutate(E, prueba2=substr(E$identhog, 3,7)))

Any solution?任何解决方案?

You are using ifelse outside mutate , here an example of how to use it with dplyr .您在mutate之外使用ifelse ,这里是一个如何将它与dplyr一起使用的示例。


df <- data.frame(string = c("1234567890","12345678901"))

df %>% 
    prueba2 = if_else(
      condition = nchar(string) == 10,
      true = substr(string, 2, 6),
      false = substr(string, 3, 7)
       string prueba2
1  1234567890   23456
2 12345678901   34567

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