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Admob 原生广告点击无法统一工作(Android 平台)

[英]Admob native ads click is not working in unity (Android Platform)

I add the native ad in my unity game and ads details are shown properly but my ad click is not working.. I added the box collider manually and detect the click right but still ad is not redirecting to link.我在我的 unity 游戏中添加了原生广告,广告详细信息显示正确,但我的广告点击不起作用。我手动添加了盒子对撞机并检测到正确的点击,但广告仍然没有重定向到链接。

I used test ids right now.我现在使用测试 ID。 If anyone can help me with this issue its great help.如果有人可以帮助我解决这个问题,那将是很大的帮助。 Thanks In Advance.提前致谢。

I done many solutions but nothing work for me yet.我做了很多解决方案,但还没有对我有用。 Below are the details of solutions I had try以下是我尝试过的解决方案的详细信息

1.I disabled the raycast target of every object of native ads 2.Added the box Collider manually to every object 3. I added below line in android manifest file under Activity block of UnityPlayerActivity 1.我禁用了原生广告的每个 object 的光线投射目标 2.手动添加了框碰撞器到每个 object 3.我在 android 清单文件中的 UnityPlayerActivity 的活动块下添加了以下行

<meta-data android:name="unityplayer.ForwardNativeEventsToDalvik" android:value="true" />
  1. Try UnifiedNativeadview but this give me errors of unexistance.尝试 UnifiedNativeadview 但这给了我不存在的错误。

Here is my code,这是我的代码,

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
using System;

//Banner ad
public class Admob : MonoBehaviour
    private BannerView adBanner;
    private NativeAd adNative;
    private bool nativeLoaded = false;

    private string idApp, idBanner, idNative;

    [SerializeField] GameObject adNativePanel;
    [SerializeField] RawImage adIcon;
    [SerializeField] RawImage adChoices;
    [SerializeField] Text adHeadline;
    [SerializeField] Text adCallToAction;
    [SerializeField] Text adAdvertiser;

    void Awake ()
        adNativePanel.SetActive (false); //hide ad panel

    void Start ()
        idApp = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713";
        idBanner = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111";
        idNative = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2247696110";

        MobileAds.Initialize (idApp);

        RequestBannerAd ();
        RequestNativeAd ();

    void Update ()
        if (nativeLoaded) {
            nativeLoaded = false;

            Texture2D iconTexture = this.adNative.GetIconTexture ();
            Texture2D iconAdChoices = this.adNative.GetAdChoicesLogoTexture ();
            string headline = this.adNative.GetHeadlineText ();
            string cta = this.adNative.GetCallToActionText ();
            string advertiser = this.adNative.GetAdvertiserText ();
            adIcon.texture = iconTexture;
            adChoices.texture = iconAdChoices;
            adHeadline.text = headline;
            adAdvertiser.text = advertiser;
            adCallToAction.text = cta;

            //register gameobjects
            adNative.RegisterIconImageGameObject (adIcon.gameObject);
            adNative.RegisterAdChoicesLogoGameObject (adChoices.gameObject);
            adNative.RegisterHeadlineTextGameObject (adHeadline.gameObject);
            adNative.RegisterCallToActionGameObject (adCallToAction.gameObject);
            adNative.RegisterAdvertiserTextGameObject (adAdvertiser.gameObject);

            adNativePanel.SetActive (true); //show ad panel

    #region Banner Methods --------------------------------------------------

    public void RequestBannerAd ()
        adBanner = new BannerView (idBanner, AdSize.Banner, AdPosition.Bottom);
        AdRequest request = AdRequestBuild ();
        adBanner.LoadAd (request);

    public void DestroyBannerAd ()
        if (adBanner != null)
            adBanner.Destroy ();


    #region Native Ad Mehods ------------------------------------------------

    private void RequestNativeAd ()
        AdLoader adLoader = new AdLoader.Builder (idNative).ForNativeAd ().Build ();
        adLoader.OnNativeAdLoaded += this.HandleOnNativeAdLoaded;
        adLoader.LoadAd (AdRequestBuild ());

    private void HandleOnNativeAdLoaded (object sender, NativeAdEventArgs args)
        this.adNative = args.nativeAd;
        nativeLoaded = true;


    AdRequest AdRequestBuild ()
        return new AdRequest.Builder ().Build ();

    void OnDestroy ()
        DestroyBannerAd ();


Did you read the first line on the 'Get Started' page for Native Ads in Unity?您是否阅读了 Unity 原生广告“入门”页面上的第一行? ( https://developers.google.com/admob/unity/native ) ( https://developers.google.com/admob/unity/native )

It says:它说:

"Note: Native ads on Unity is in closed beta . To use native ads, contact your account manager." “注意: Unity 上的原生广告处于封闭测试阶段。要使用原生广告,请联系您的客户经理。”

(I was in the same boat as you: I had done everything correctly, but somehow it didn't work. Then I read that note about the closed beta and realized that that is most likely the explanation.) (我和你在同一条船上:我做的一切都正确,但不知何故它不起作用。然后我读了关于内测的注释,意识到这很可能是解释。)

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