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如何在 Powershell 中导航嵌套循环

[英]How to navigate nested loops within Powershell

I am trying to do something of the following nature我正在尝试做以下性质的事情




However, it seems that powershell does not like having both an if and and else statement within the elseif loop.但是,powershell 似乎不喜欢在 elseif 循环中同时使用 if 和 else 语句。 Any workarounds for this?有什么解决方法吗? Thanks for your help!谢谢你的帮助! I am really new to Powershell我真的是 Powershell 的新手

I have tried switch statements but they do not make sense for what I am trying to do我已经尝试过 switch 语句,但它们对我正在尝试做的事情没有意义

Not an answer per se, but I tested the structure exactly as provided and it works just fine:本身不是答案,但我完全按照提供的方式测试了结构并且它工作得很好:

function iftest($a, $b, $c) {
    if ($a) {
        '$a true. $b and $c not tested.'
    elseif ($b) {
        if ($c) {
            '$a false. $b true. $c true.'
        else {
            '$a false. $b true. $c false.'
    else {
        '$a false. $b false. $c not tested.'

#    command                 #     output
iftest $true $false $false   #  $a true. $b and $c not tested.
iftest $false $false $false  #  $a false. $b false. $c not tested.
iftest $false $true $false   #  $a false. $b true. $c true.
iftest $false $true $true    #  $a false. $b true. $c false.

As noted by mclayton in the comments, formatting goes a long way toward making the structure clear.正如 mclayton 在评论中指出的那样,格式化对使结构清晰大有帮助。

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