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ARcore by google play services alternative

[英]ARcore by google play services alternative

the ARcore app on google play for android is now deprecated and so, I am not able to complete a Unity development course of mine on coursera which requires that. google play for android 上的 ARcore 应用程序现已弃用,因此,我无法在 coursera 上完成我的 Unity 开发课程,这需要这样做。 Some suggestions on how to get through?关于如何通过的一些建议?

I tried some tweaks in player settings and also installed ARcore and ARFoundation in Unity but still it requires Arcore app on my mobile to run but it's not available anymore.我在播放器设置中尝试了一些调整,还在 Unity 中安装了 ARcore 和 ARFoundation,但它仍然需要我手机上的 Arcore 应用程序才能运行,但它不再可用。 Also I am using a 3D template, not an AR core template from Unity coz the course required me to use that.此外,我使用的是 3D 模板,而不是 Unity 的 AR 核心模板,因为课程要求我使用它。 I dont know if the template wasn't available then or which task should I not do if I use that template instead.我不知道该模板是否不可用,或者如果我改用该模板,我不应该执行哪个任务。 I am very confused.我很迷茫。

There is a Google Play services for AR app which takes care of the AR requirement for the Phone.( Its basically ARCore app repackaged with some extras).有一个针对 AR 应用程序的 Google Play 服务,它可以满足手机的 AR 要求。(它基本上是 ARCore 应用程序,重新打包了一些附加功能)。 But you should have a AR supported device.但是你应该有一个支持 AR 的设备。

There are a few changes that you need to do to your 3D Unity project to make it usable for AR.您需要对 3D Unity 项目进行一些更改才能使其可用于 AR。 If you use the AR template then Unity adds a Sample scene and the settings required for you to get started.如果您使用 AR 模板,Unity 会添加一个示例场景和您开始使用所需的设置。 Check this AR foundation tutorial series for better understanding.查看此AR 基础教程系列以更好地理解。

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