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[英]Allow multiple data types in a dataclass variable

Is there a way to allow a dataclass variable to have one of multiple data types?有没有办法允许数据类变量具有多种数据类型之一? (And it should also work in Python 3.7) (它也应该适用于 Python 3.7)

class C:
    index_range: tuple or str = "all"

I want index_range to have the default value string "all" , but also the possibility to take a tuple as a value.我希望 index_range 具有默认值字符串"all" ,但也可以将元组作为值。 (Later in the function I define that "all" means that all indices are used, but if a tuple is given only the elements between these numbers are used.) (稍后在函数中我定义"all"意味着使用所有索引,但如果给出一个元组,则只使用这些数字之间的元素。)

Pylance always gives me the error that "all" is not a Tuple . Pylance 总是给我"all" is not a Tuple的错误。

Are also more than two types possible, like tuple or None or str?是否也可能有两种以上的类型,如元组或无或海峡?

You're looking for the typing.Union :您正在寻找typing.Union

from typing import Union

class C:
    index_range: Union[tuple, str] = "all"

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