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在 Raku 中,如何在没有 CRLF 的情况下响应按键?

[英]How to respond to a key-press, without a CRLF, in Raku?

I would like to implement:我想实施:

Press any key to continue...

That responds to, well, any key without pressing the return or enter key.好吧,无需按回车键或回车键即可响应任何键。

Term::ReadKey does not implement this behavior. Term::ReadKey不实现此行为。 It requires a CRLF.它需要一个 CRLF。

I'm using iTerm2.我正在使用 iTerm2。

[19] > $*KERNEL
[20] > $*DISTRO
macos (13.0.1)
[21] > $*RAKU
Raku (6.d)
[22] > $*VM
moar (2022.12)

I think you will have to use a module to be able to do that in Raku.我想你必须使用一个模块才能在 Raku 中做到这一点。 Term::termios comes to mind.我想到了Term::termios

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