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如何在 Power BI 中将同一列的两个值相乘?

[英]How to multiply two values of a same column in Power BI?

I want to multiply two different values of the same column.我想将同一列的两个不同值相乘。


Name  Values
A     10
B     5
C     2

I want to multiply values where Name = A and B. The result should be 50. How can I do that?我想将名称 = A 和 B 的值相乘。结果应该是 50。我该怎么做?

I used some multiply functions but they're not working.我使用了一些乘法函数,但它们不起作用。

If your table is named "Table", then create a simple measure as follows and place it in a card:如果您的表名为“表”,则按如下方式创建一个简单的度量并将其放在卡片中:

Measure = CALCULATE( MAX('Table'[Values]),'Table'[Name] = "A") *  CALCULATE( MAX('Table'[Values]),'Table'[Name] = "B")

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