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[英]How to change the background color of the title bar color C++/SDL2

I have a problem with changing the background color in the title bar window.我在更改标题栏窗口中的背景颜色时遇到问题。 Is it possible to change with SDL2?是否可以使用 SDL2 进行更改? Want to change from white color to black, like that想从白色变成黑色,就像那样


I don't think that's possible with just SDL2, but you can get the native window and use that.我认为仅使用 SDL2 是不可能的,但您可以获得本机窗口并使用它。

Looking at your screenshot, I assume you are using Windows.查看您的屏幕截图,我假设您使用的是 Windows。 You can get the HWND like this ( see this answer ):您可以像这样获得HWND请参阅此答案):

SDL_SysWMinfo wmInfo;
SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(window, &wmInfo);
HWND hwnd = wmInfo.info.win.window;

Once you have that, you'll want to set both the border color and the caption color ( see this answer ):完成后,您需要同时设置边框颜色和标题颜色(请参阅此答案):

#include <dwmapi.h>

COLORREF titlebar_color = 0x0015171E;
    &titlebar_color, sizeof(titlebar_color)

    &titlebar_color, sizeof(titlebar_color))

Of course, all of that only works on Windows (10 or later I think), and, as far as I understand, isn't even guaranteed to work.当然,所有这些只适用于 Windows(我认为是 10 或更高版本),而且据我所知,甚至不能保证有效。 So you may want to error-check everything.因此,您可能希望对所有内容进行错误检查。

Another solution that isn't exactly what you ask for but is done entirely within SDL2 is to create a borderless window and draw your own title bar...另一个不完全是你要求但完全在 SDL2 中完成的解决方案是创建一个无边框窗口并绘制你自己的标题栏......

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