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如何从 firebase 获取数据并将其存储到列表中以供在 dart 中进一步操作

[英]How to get data from the firebase and store it into a list for futher manipulation in dart

List<DocumentSnapshot> docs = snapshot.data.docs;
_selectedSubjects = docs
      (doc) => Subject(

I have a class called subject that has attributes/members courseCode, courseIcon, and lastly subjectName.我有一个名为 subject 的 class,它具有属性/成员 courseCode、courseIcon,最后是 subjectName。 Everything is okay so far, but vs code is saying:到目前为止一切都很好,但是 vs code 说:

Type: dynamic类型:动态

The property 'docs' can't be unconditionally accessed because the receiver can be 'null'.不能无条件地访问属性“docs”,因为接收者可以是“null”。 Try making the access conditional (using '?.') or adding a null check to the target ('.')."尝试使访问有条件(使用 '?.')或向目标('.')添加 null 检查。”

I have already imported all the necessary libraries, as well as vs code's reccomendations.我已经导入了所有必要的库,以及 vs 代码的推荐。 What should I try?我应该尝试什么?

The error means that snapshot.data may be null , so you need to first verify that it's not null before you can assign it to your non-nullable docs variable:该错误意味着snapshot.data可能null ,因此您需要先验证它不是 null ,然后才能将其分配给不可为 null 的docs变量:

var querySnapshot = snapshot.data;
if (querySnapshot != null) {
    List<DocumentSnapshot> docs = querySnapshot.docs;
    _selectedSubjects = docs
          (doc) => Subject(

The local querySnapshot variable is guaranteed to be non-null inside the if block, so now you can simply assign querySnapshot.docs to docs .本地querySnapshot变量在if块内保证为非空,因此现在您可以简单地将querySnapshot.docs分配给docs

I also removed the .data() calls, as @Gwhyyy pointed out in their comment.正如@Gwhyyy 在他们的评论中指出的那样,我还删除了.data()调用。

You might want to take a moment to read up on nullability in Dart as you're likely to encounter many more situations where the type changes based on handling null.您可能想花点时间阅读Dart中的可空性,因为您可能会遇到更多类型根据处理 null 发生变化的情况。

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