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如果我按 shift 和 ctrl,ursina fps controller 不会跳转

[英]ursina fps controller wont jump if i press shift and ctrl

I was creating a game in ursina using the FirstPersonController import to use as the player.我正在使用 FirstPersonController 导入在 ursina 中创建游戏以用作玩家。 There's just an issue when I hold shift/Ctrl then press space to jump, The player doesn't jump.当我按住 shift/Ctrl 然后按空格键跳跃时出现问题,播放器不跳跃。 I have looked through the FPS controller code but nothing seems to contribute to the issue.我查看了 FPS controller 代码,但似乎没有任何问题。

I don't think showing my code here will help as its an imports code.我不认为在这里显示我的代码会有帮助,因为它是一个导入代码。 Any help or info is well appreciated.非常感谢任何帮助或信息。

I think this has been fixed.我认为这已得到解决。 It was a bug with input in general, not the FirstPersonController specifically.这是一般输入的错误,而不是 FirstPersonController 的具体错误。 Try updating ursina with:尝试使用以下命令更新 ursina:

pip install https://github.com/pokepetter/ursina/archive/master.zip --upgrade --force-reinstall

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