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如何在python Ursina Engine模块中通过z轴拖动object?

[英]How to Drag object by z-axis in python Ursina Engine module?

I can't drag my 3d WOOD object by z-axis .我不能通过z-axis拖动我的 3d WOOD object 。 I tried:我试过:

class Wood(Draggable):
    def __init__(self):
            --all another parametres--

# it doesn't work. Wood moving only by x-axis and y-axis.

Do .plane_direction=(0,1,0) and .lock=(1,1,0) Changing plane_direction will point the plane you drag along towards that direction.执行.plane_direction=(0,1,0).lock=(1,1,0)更改 plane_direction 会将您拖动的平面指向该方向。

You should also set the parent to scene , not 'scene' .您还应该将父级设置为scene ,而不是'scene'

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