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firebase 文档 当文档中存在 map 和数组时,某些字段显示为 null

[英]firebase document some fields are showing as null when map and array exist in the document

I am having document with array and map fields.我有包含数组和 map 字段的文档。 When i try to get this in data class some other fields are getting null.当我尝试在数据 class 中获取此数据时,其他一些字段正在获取 null。

for example - orderQty is getting as null.例如 - orderQty 为 null。



At first glance, I can see that the names of the fields in your Orders class are different than the names that exist in the database.乍一看,我可以看到您的Orders class 中的字段名称与数据库中存在的名称不同。 In your class, the fields start with an upper-case letter, while in the database start with a lower-case letter.在您的 class 中,字段以大写字母开头,而在数据库中以小写字母开头。 And this is not correct, the names must match.这是不正确的,名称必须匹配。 The simplest solution would be to change the names of the fields in the class. So a field called OrderNo should be changed to orderNo .最简单的解决方案是更改 class 中字段的名称。因此应将名为OrderNo的字段更改为orderNo See the lower-case o ?看到小写的o了吗?

Alternatively, you can use an annotation like this:或者,您可以使用这样的注释:

var OrderNo: String? = null,


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