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Function 尝试返回带字典的元组时返回 None

[英]Function return None when trying to return a tuple with dictionary

I've a function for connecting to.network devices(Netmiko).我有一个 function 用于连接到网络设备 (Netmiko)。 I'm catching AuthenticationException from.netmiko, changing user creds and trying again.我正在从 .netmiko 捕获 AuthenticationException,更改用户信用并重试。

Main function:总机 function:

for round, device in zip(range(1, num_devices), devices):

    dev_class = d2c(device)
    print(f"Device {dev_class.Hostname}: {dev_class.MgmtIp}, {round} of {len(devices)}")
    devParsed = connectionMethods.Prep(dev_class, playVars)    
    services = connectionMethods.TestSSH(devParsed, user)


def TestSSH(device, user, notes_in = None, num_tries=0, timeout = 10):
        dict_out = {}
        notes = {'notes' : []}
        if notes_in:
            notes['notes'].append(f"Number of tries = {num_tries}")

              f"""Connecting to device : {device.device.Hostname}\n"""
              f"""ip address : {device.device.MgmtIp}\n"""
              f"""Tried to connect before {num_tries} times.\n"""
              f"""Using {user.username} to connect\n"""

        logging.basicConfig(filename='debug.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
        logger = logging.getLogger(f"netmiko")
        Conn = {'device_type':device.device.driver,
                 'ip': device.device.MgmtIp,
                 'username': user.username, 
                 'password': user.password,
                 'conn_timeout' : timeout,

        pattern = re.compile(r'(server\s+)(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})')
        net_connect = ConnectHandler(**Conn)
        if not net_connect.check_enable_mode():
        for command in device.questions:
            output_list = []
            list_out = []
            for k, v in command.items():
                output = net_connect.send_command(v)
                print(f"""Output from device : 
                for line in output.splitlines():
                   result = pattern.search(line)
                   if result:

                num_servers = len(output_list)
                print(f"Number of lines returned {num_servers}")
                if num_servers > 0:
                    for round, line in zip(range(1,num_servers + 1), output_list):
                        list_out.append(f"server{round} : {line}")
                    list_parsed = ','.join(list_out)
                    list_parsed = "No servers configured"
                dict_out.update({k : list_parsed})

    except NetmikoAuthenticationException as e:
        exception_type = type(e).__name__
        print(f"Error type = {exception_type}")
        if num_tries == 0:
            if input("Retry with a new token?:").lower() == "y": 
                retry_user = User()
                TestSSH(device, retry_user, notes_in= "admin login",num_tries=1, timeout=10)
                notes['notes'].append(f"{exception_type}, retries : {num_tries}")
                notes['notes'] = ','.join(notes.get('notes'))
                print(f""" Error from device {device.device.Hostname}:
                return dict_out, 400
                notes['notes'].append(f"{exception_type}, retries : {num_tries}")
                notes['notes'] = ','.join(notes.get('notes'))
                print(f""" Error from device {device.device.Hostname}:
                return dict_out, 401

What has me scratching my head is this: If num_tries == 0 and I choose not to try another account, return is as I would expect:让我摸不着头脑的是:如果 num_tries == 0 并且我选择不尝试另一个帐户,则返回结果如我所料:

Retry with a new token?:n
 Error from device xxx.xxx.xxx:
                        NetmikoAuthenticationException, retries : 0
({'notes': 'NetmikoAuthenticationException, retries : 0'}, 400)

If num_tries is gt == 0: 

Error type = NetmikoAuthenticationException
{'notes': 'admin login,Number of tries = 1,NetmikoAuthenticationException, retries : 1'}
 Error from device xxx.xxx.xxx:
                        admin login,Number of tries = 1,NetmikoAuthenticationException, retries : 1
<class 'dict'>

I can't figure out the returned dictionary is None when it clearly is not when I print it before returning it.当我在返回之前打印它时,我无法弄清楚返回的字典是 None 时它显然不是。

Any suggestion how to troubleshoot the issue are welcome.欢迎任何有关如何解决问题的建议。 Python version Python 3.9.6 Python 版本 Python 3.9.6

Br, Heikki Br, Heikki

I would hope to produce:我希望产生:

({'notes': 'NetmikoAuthenticationException, retries : 1'}, 401)

The reason you get None printed here: print(services) is because you also call TestSSH() from within itself and from there the function exits the function by default.您在此处打印None : print(services)的原因是因为您还从其内部调用TestSSH()并且默认情况下 function 从那里退出 function。 That is, its like python has written a return None for you at the end of the function.也就是像python在function的最后给你写了一个return None

You could add a return yourself, but I don't know if this will help:您可以自己添加退货,但我不知道这是否有帮助:

return TestSSH(device, retry_user, notes_in= "admin login",num_tries=1, timeout=10)

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