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错误 output 语言 Azure Text-To-Speech

[英]Wrong output language Azure Text-To-Speech

I use the javascript speech SDK of azure and I modified the speechSynthesisLanguage property to change the output language but it does not work.我使用 azure 的 javascript 语音 SDK 并修改了speechSynthesisLanguage属性以更改 output 语言,但它不起作用。 The output language is still english. output 语言还是英文。 I followed the documentation and use the demo code available on their repo .我遵循了文档并使用了他们的 repo上可用的演示代码。

(function() {
  // <code>
  "use strict";
  // pull in the required packages.
  var sdk = require("microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk");
  var readline = require("readline");
  const { exec } = require("child_process");
  // replace with your own subscription key,
  // service region (e.g., "westus"), and
  // the name of the file you save the synthesized audio.
  var subscriptionKey = "xxx";
  var serviceRegion = "francecentral"; // e.g., "westus"
  var filename = "test1.wav";

  // we are done with the setup

  // now create the audio-config pointing to our stream and
  // the speech config specifying the language.
  var audioConfig = sdk.AudioConfig.fromAudioFileOutput(filename);
  var speechConfig = sdk.SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(subscriptionKey, serviceRegion);

  speechConfig.setProperty('speechSynthesisLanguage', 'fr-FR')
  speechConfig.setProperty('SpeechServiceConnection_RecoLanguage', 'fr-FR')
  speechConfig.setProperty('speechSynthesisVoiceName', 'fr-FR-AlainNeural')
  //create the speech synthesizer.
  var synthesizer = new sdk.SpeechSynthesizer(speechConfig, audioConfig);

  var rl = readline.createInterface({
    input: process.stdin,
    output: process.stdout

  rl.question("Test à saisir :\n", function (text) {
    // start the synthesizer and wait for a result.
        function (result) {
      if (result.reason === sdk.ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted) {
        console.log("synthesis finished.");
      } else {
        console.error("Speech synthesis canceled, " + result.errorDetails +
            "\nDid you update the subscription info?");
      synthesizer = undefined;
        function (err) {
      console.trace("err - " + err);
      synthesizer = undefined;
    console.log("Now synthesizing to: " + filename);
    exec(`vlc ${filename} vlc://quit`);
  // </code>

The output language is corretly set to fr-FR according to the doc . 根据文档,output 语言已正确设置为fr-FR

console.log(speechConfig.getProperty('speechSynthesisLanguage')) //fr-FR

I tried to change the language by german or use the setServiceProperty(string, string, ServicePropertyChannel) method but it didn't work.我试图通过德语更改语言或使用setServiceProperty(string, string, ServicePropertyChannel)方法,但它没有用。

Do you have a solution?你有解决方案吗? Thank you谢谢

  • I am assuming you want to convert French text into speech which will be French.我假设您想将法语文本转换为法语语音。 Now to do this we need to set two setting ie speechSynthesisLanguage and speechSynthesisVoiceName these settings would represent name of the language you are passing and name of the speech.现在要做到这一点,我们需要设置两个设置,即speechSynthesisLanguagespeechSynthesisVoiceName这些设置将代表您传递的语言的名称和语音的名称。

  • Here I was created a function which will ask for French as text and will add the data to the YourAudioFile.wav file.在这里,我创建了一个 function,它将要求以法语作为文本并将数据添加到YourAudioFile.wav文件中。


(function() {
    "use strict";
    var  sdk = require("microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk");
var  readline = require("readline");


var  audioFile = "YourAudioFile.wav";

const  speechConfig = sdk.SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(process.env.SPEECH_KEY, process.env.SPEECH_REGION);
const  audioConfig = sdk.AudioConfig.fromAudioFileOutput(audioFile);

  // the speech settings for french

speechConfig.speechSynthesisLanguage = "fr-FR";

speechConfig.speechSynthesisVoiceName = "fr-FR-BrigitteNeural";

var  synthesizer = new  sdk.SpeechSynthesizer(speechConfig, audioConfig);
var  rl = readline.createInterface({
    input:  process.stdin,
    output:  process.stdout

rl.question("Enter some text that you want to speak >\n> ", 
        function (text)
                function (result) 
                    if (result.reason === sdk.ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted)
                            console.log("synthesis finished.");
                            console.error("Speech synthesis canceled, " + result.errorDetails +"\nDid you set the speech resource key and region values?");
                    synthesizer = null;
            function (err) 
                console.trace("err - " + err);
                synthesizer = null;
        console.log("Now synthesizing to: " + audioFile);

The majority of the above code is from this MSDOC on text to speech.上面的大部分代码来自这个关于文本到语音的MSDOC

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