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为什么我在尝试使用打开文件时收到字符串的 C2440 错误<netcdf>图书馆?</netcdf>

[英]Why am I receiving C2440 error for string when trying to open file using <netcdf> library?

I am trying to read a.netCDF file with the library in C++. However, I am getting a C2440 error, telling me that I cannot convert the type of the dataFile to the dataVar.我正在尝试使用 C++ 中的库读取 .netCDF 文件。但是,我收到 C2440 错误,告诉我无法将 dataFile 的类型转换为 dataVar。 Or, at least this is what I think it is telling me because the compiler error seems a little cryptic to read.或者,至少这是我认为它告诉我的,因为编译器错误读起来似乎有点神秘。

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

//create a test object to open netcdf file 
    const std::vector<std::string> path = obj.getPaths(); //returns all paths in the netcdf directory
    const std::string test = path[0]; //gives me a test path that is element 1 in the path vector

    netCDF::NcFile dataFile(test, netCDF::NcFile::read);
    netCDF::NcVar dataVar = dataFile.getVars();


Error C2440 'initializing': cannot convert from 'std::multimap<std::string,netCDF::NcVar,std::less<Aws::String>,std::allocator<std::pair<conststd::string,netCDF::NcVar>>>' to 'netCDF::NcVar' count-lightning C:\Users\Corey4005\Desktop\Dev\projects\count-lightning\src\main.cpp 59  

What should I do to make this code work?我应该怎么做才能使这段代码工作?

Thanks for the help!谢谢您的帮助!

What I have tried:我试过的:

I tried to open a.netcdf file using the NcFile stream. The NcFile stream takes the following arguments:我尝试使用 NcFile stream 打开.netcdf 文件。NcFile stream 采用以下 arguments:

netCDF::NcFile dataFile(const std::string &filePath, netCDF::NcFile::fileMode fMode); 

When I provided a string literal to the filePath argument, I received a C2440 'initializing' error.当我向 filePath 参数提供字符串文字时,我收到了 C2440“初始化”错误。 I am confused because I think I am correctly passing a const string literal to a const string argument.我很困惑,因为我认为我正确地将 const 字符串文字传递给 const 字符串参数。

netCDF::NcVar dataVar is a single variable, dataFile.getVars() returns multiple variables in a map. The simplest fix is to use: netCDF::NcVar dataVar是单个变量, dataFile.getVars()在 map 中返回多个变量。最简单的解决方法是使用:

auto dataVar = dataFile.getVars();


std::multimap< std::string, NcVar > dataVar = dataFile.getVars();

If you actually wanted to get a single variable you need to provide a name:如果你真的想得到一个单一的变量,你需要提供一个名字:

netCDF::NcVar dataVar = dataFile.getVar("myvar");


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