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[英]why does the following code generate a "reference to 'tm' is ambiguous" error?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

namespace characters {
    char tm='a';
    char tc='a';

using namespace characters;

class table {
        void printline (){
            char m;

int main()
    table myTable;

return 0;

but when you comment out the m=tm;但是当你注释掉 m=tm; line and reinstate the line m=tc the code works fine.行并恢复行 m=tc 代码工作正常。

what is so special about the identifier tm?标识符 tm 有什么特别之处?

using namespace characters; is the issue, that brings characters::tm to the global namespace and makes the ambiguity with the global struct tm .是将characters::tm带入全局命名空间并与全局struct tm产生歧义的问题。 The solution:解决方案:

// using namespace characters;
using characters::tm;

That directs the compiler, if you meet tm , use here tm from the namespace characters .这会指示编译器,如果遇到tm ,请在此处使用命名空间characters中的tm

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