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如何将输入字段行调整为 Javascript 中的数字?

[英]How can I adjust inputfield rows to a number in Javascript?

I´m programming a math game where user has to transform a decimal digit into binary digit by dividing with 2. I wanted to adjust the rows to the length of the binary digit (eg 8 is 1000, so it shall only generate 4 rows to transform digit in a binary digit).我正在编写一个数学游戏,用户必须通过除以 2 将十进制数字转换为二进制数字。我想将行调整为二进制数字的长度(例如 8 是 1000,因此它只会生成 4 行以将数字转换为二进制数字)。 I use display() to generate a digit from 1-31, deciToBin() to convert decimal to binary and createBoxes() to adjust rows to the length of binary digit.我使用 display() 生成 1-31 的数字,使用 deciToBin() 将十进制转换为二进制,使用 createBoxes() 将行调整为二进制数字的长度。 But it only works for the first round.但它只适用于第一轮。 If I continue playing there are more rows than the length of the binary digit or less rows than the length of the binary digit.如果我继续播放,则行数多于二进制数字的长度或行数少于二进制数字的长度。

my Code:我的代码:

let checkAnswerButton = document.getElementById("check");
let input = document.getElementById("input");
let userInput = document.getElementById("userInput");
let deziInput = document.getElementsByClassName("deziInput");
let score = document.getElementById("score");
let user_score = 0;
let count_down = 15;
let count_down_element = document.getElementById("countDown");
count_down_element.innerHTML = count_down;

let inputted = false;
let running = false;

 * GameOver Panel
let gameOver = document.getElementById("gameover");
let gameOverScore = document.getElementById("gameoverinfo");
let gameoverVersuch = document.getElementById("btn-versuch");
let gameoverVerlassen = document.getElementById("btn-verlassen");
let gameOverSound = document.getElementById("gameOverSound");

let digitOne = document.getElementById("digit1");
let digitTwo = document.getElementById("digit2");
let digitThree = document.getElementById("digit3");
let digitFour = document.getElementById("digit4");
let digitFive = document.getElementById("digit5");

let resultOne = document.getElementById("result1");
let resultTwo = document.getElementById("result2");
let resultThree = document.getElementById("result3");
let resultFour = document.getElementById("result4");

let inputBoxTwo = document.getElementById("inputBox2");
let inputBoxThree = document.getElementById("inputBox3");
let inputBoxFour = document.getElementById("inputBox4");
let inputBoxFive = document.getElementById("inputBox5");
let resultFive = document.getElementById("result5");

function isGameOver() {
  count_down = 0;
  gameOver.style.display = "block";
  gameOverScore.innerHTML =
    "Game Over! <br> Dein Score beträgt: " + `${user_score}`;

  document.getElementById("check").disabled = true;
  document.getElementById("userInput").disabled = true;
  document.getElementById("userInput").style.backgroundColor = "white";

function refreshPage() {

gameoverVersuch.addEventListener("click", refreshPage);

function randomNum() {
  return Math.ceil(Math.random() * 31);


let inputboxes = document.getElementsByClassName("inputBoxes");

function createBoxes(value) {
  for (var i = 0; i < value; i++) {
    inputboxes[i].style.visibility = "visible";

function display() {
  let number = randomNum();
  input.value = number;
  digitOne.value = input.value;
  document.getElementById("check").disabled = true;
  checkAnswerButton.style.backgroundColor = "grey";

resultOne.addEventListener("input", () => {
  digitTwo.value = resultOne.value;
resultTwo.addEventListener("input", () => {
  digitThree.value = resultTwo.value;
resultThree.addEventListener("input", () => {
  digitFour.value = resultThree.value;
resultFour.addEventListener("input", () => {
  digitFive.value = resultFour.value;

userInput.addEventListener("input", () => {
  document.getElementById("check").disabled = false;
  checkAnswerButton.style.backgroundColor = "royalblue";

function deciToBin(decimal) {
  let binary = "";
  while (decimal > 0) {
    if (decimal & 1) {
      binary = "1" + binary;
    } else {
      binary = "0" + binary;
    decimal = decimal >> 1;
  return binary;

function validate() {
  let correct_answer = deciToBin(eval(input.value));
  let user_value = parseFloat(userInput.value);

  if (correct_answer == user_value) {
    count_down += 15;
    score.innerHTML = `Score: <br> ${user_score}`;
  } else {
    //alert(`Incorrect, it was ${correct_answer}`);
    count_down_element = false;
    //core.innerHTML = `Score: ${user_score}`;
    if (user_score < 0) {
      // alert("gameOver!");
      user_score = 0;
      score.innerHTML = 0;
      count_down_element = false;
  userInput.value = "";

function runInterval() {
  let timerInterval = setInterval(() => {
    count_down -= 1;
    count_down_element.innerHTML = count_down;

    if (count_down == 10) count_down_element.style.color = "yellow";

    if (count_down == 0) {
      count_down_element = 0;
  }, 1000);

checkAnswerButton.addEventListener("click", validate);
checkAnswerButton.addEventListener("click", clearInput);

function inputstart() {
  for (var i = 0; i < deziInput.length; i++) {
    deziInput[i].addEventListener("keyup", () => {
      inputted = true;

      if (inputted && !running) {
        running = true;
  running = false;
function clearInput() {
  for (var i = 0; i < deziInput.length; i++) {
    deziInput[i].value = "";

Two observations:两个观察:

  • I'm not seeing anywhere that you're ever setting any inputboxes.style.visibility to hidden .我没有在任何地方看到您将任何inputboxes.style.visibility设置为hidden Seems like they should perhaps all get hidden before each new number sets up its boxes (kind of a "reset").似乎他们应该在每个新数字设置其框之前都被隐藏起来(一种“重置”)。 Otherwise, the way it is now, if the first number is 30 you'll display 5 boxes, and if the next number is 1, you'll still display five boxes, because the last four are still visibility:visible .否则,就像现在这样,如果第一个number是 30 你会显示 5 个框,如果下一个数字是 1,你仍然会显示五个框,因为最后四个仍然是visibility:visible
  • I think you could replace createBoxes(deciToBin(number).length) with createBoxes((number).toString(2).length) and just get rid of deciToBin() .我认为您可以将createBoxes(deciToBin(number).length)替换为createBoxes((number).toString(2).length)并摆脱deciToBin() toString() is standard and fast. toString()是标准且快速的。

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