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Function 在 C++ 中用 int 和 int64_t 重载。 与“1LL”的不明确匹配

[英]Function overloading in C++ with int and int64_t. Ambiguous match with "1LL"

#include <iostream>
void hi(int x) {
    std::cout << "hi\n";
void hi(int64_t y) {
    std::cout << "hi2\n";
int main() {

Why does it throw ambiguous match?为什么它会抛出模棱两可的比赛? I think it should resolves to the second function since it's an exact match.我认为它应该解析为第二个 function,因为它是完全匹配的。 Or is int64_t a different type from 3LL?还是 int64_t 是与 3LL 不同的类型?

It seems that the error only occurs on some compiler, namely g++ but not clang. Not sure if it is caused by different compiler flags or version used though.似乎错误只发生在某些编译器上,即 g++ 而不是 clang。不确定它是否是由不同的编译器标志或使用的版本引起的。

Or is int64_t a different type from 3LL?还是 int64_t 是与 3LL 不同的类型?

Yes, int64_t is long (in this implementation).是的, int64_tlong (在此实现中)。 3LL is long long . 3LLlong long

Modern IDE have a "go to definition" feature, where you can position your cursor over int64_t and go to https://github.com/lattera/glibc/blob/master/bits/stdint-intn.h#L27 and then go to https://github.com/lattera/glibc/blob/master/posix/bits/types.h#L43 .现代 IDE 具有“转到定义”功能,您可以在其中将 position 您的 cursor over int64_t和 go 转换为https://github.com/lattera/glibc/blob/master/bits/stdint-2837.h然后 4到https://github.com/lattera/glibc/blob/master/posix/bits/types.h#L43

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