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[英]How do I make this code shorter and more automated

amount = eval(input("Enter the amount of money: "))

fiveHundred = amount // 500
amount = amount % 500
twoHundred = amount // 200
amount = amount % 200
oneHundred = amount // 100
amount = amount % 100
fifty = amount // 50
amount = amount % 50
twenty = amount // 20
amount = amount % 20
ten = amount // 10
amount = amount % 10
five = amount // 5
amount = amount % 5
two = amount // 2
amount = amount % 2
one = amount // 1
amount = amount % 1
print(f"You have \n"
      f"\t500 riyal: {fiveHundred} \n"
      f"\t200 riyal: {twoHundred} "
      f"\n\t100 riyal: {oneHundred} "
      f"\n\t50 riyal: {fifty} "
      f"\n\t20 riyal: {twenty} "
      f"\n\t10 riyal: {ten} "
      f"\n\t5 riyal: {five} "
      f"\n\t2 riyal: {two} "
      f"\n\t1 riyal: {one}")

It worked just fine with any number input but I would like to know if there's a way to reduce lines of code and make it way more professional.它适用于任何数字输入,但我想知道是否有办法减少代码行并使其更专业。

divmod returns both the division result and the remainder, which is what you're doing for each denomination. divmod返回除法结果和余数,这就是您对每种面额所做的操作。

Then you can use a loop for your currency denominations instead of having to write them out by yourself.然后您可以为您的货币面额使用一个循环,而不必自己写出来。

Finally, never use eval , because it allows users to enter arbitrary code (and you can't be sure of the data type returned anyway);最后,永远不要使用eval ,因为它允许用户输入任意代码(而且你无法确定返回的数据类型); if you want to convert a string to an integer, use int() .如果要将字符串转换为 integer,请使用int()

amount = int(input("Enter the amount of money: "))
print("You have")
for denomination in [500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1]:
    amount_den, amount = divmod(amount, denomination)
    print(f"\t{denomination} riyal: {amount_den}")
amount = int(input("Enter the amount of money: "))

denominations = [500,200,100,50,20,10,5,2,1]
output_denom = [0 for i in range(len(denominations))]

for index in range(len(denominations)):
    output_denom[index] = amount//denominations[index]
    amount = amount % denominations[index]

output_str = "You have \n"
for index in range(len(denominations)):
    output_str += f"\t{denominations[index]} riyal: {output_denom[index]} \n" 


My answer is almost identical to AKX's answer.我的回答几乎与 AKX 的回答相同。

You can collect all the note values in one list, and use a for-loop to run through all the value in order from biggest to smallest, provided they are already in that order.您可以将所有音符值收集在一个列表中,并使用 for 循环按从大到小的顺序遍历所有值,前提是它们已经按该顺序排列。 Also I don't really see the need for eval() when you can just use int() .另外,当您可以只使用int() ) 时,我真的不认为需要eval() ) 。 This, of course, ignores any room for an invalid input like "two hundred" or "45.9" but I'm assuming it's unnecessary for what you have asked.当然,这忽略了任何无效输入的空间,如“200”或“45.9”,但我假设它对于你所要求的是不必要的。

This should do the trick:这应该可以解决问题:

amount = int(input("Enter the amount of money: "))
notes = [500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1]
print("You have")
for note in notes:
    num_notes = amount // note
    print("\t{} riyal: {}".format(note, num_notes))
    amount %= note

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