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如何使参数化 Azure 数据工厂生产就绪

[英]How to make a parameterized Azure Data Factory production ready

I have a parameterized ADF pipeline that is feeded data from a metadata.table that is stored in SQL db.我有一个参数化的 ADF 管道,它从存储在 SQL db 中的 metadata.table 中提供数据。 One of the columns in the metadata.table is 'IsActiveFlag.' metadata.table 中的一列是“IsActiveFlag”。 Whilst developing the pipeline I used this parameter as condition to filter out records in the metadata.table where IsActiveFlag = N.在开发管道时,我使用此参数作为条件来过滤掉 metadata.table 中 IsActiveFlag = N 的记录。

As I am preparing to deploy to production I am trying to find a way I can improve my pipeline so that I won't be dependent on the IsActiveFlag filter.当我准备部署到生产环境时,我试图找到一种方法来改进我的管道,这样我就不会依赖 IsActiveFlag 过滤器。 Ideally I would be able to update the IsActiveFlag some other dynamic way instead of having to change the values manually and then deploy to production based on user demand.理想情况下,我将能够以其他动态方式更新 IsActiveFlag,而不必手动更改值,然后根据用户需求部署到生产环境。

Does anyone have any tips or recommendations on how I can improve my pipeline?有没有人对我如何改进管道有任何提示或建议?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Having 'IsActiveFlag' is a good way to filter out the tablenames you don't want to ingest.拥有“IsActiveFlag”是过滤掉您不想摄取的表名的好方法。 If you would perform delete the table entries which you don't want to ingest in, it would be kind of hard delete which is not recommended.如果您要执行删除您不想摄取的表条目,这将是一种不推荐的硬删除。 Better to go with IsActiveFlag.最好是带有 IsActiveFlag 的 go。

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