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[英]How to get a list of dict that each dict is coming from the same original dict with only one key removed?

My scenario: I need to iterate through a nested json object, get return a list of json object, each has one key removed.我的场景:我需要遍历嵌套的 json object,返回一个 json object 的列表,每个都删除了一个键。 And you don't know how the original data are structured.而且您不知道原始数据的结构。

As far as I go: I wrote a recursion function to print every key value in the object. It works.至于我 go:我写了一个递归 function 来打印 object 中的每个键值。它有效。 But this is not what I want.但这不是我想要的。

Define return: This function gets a dict and returns a list of dict, each dict is a copy of the original dict after one key removed.定义返回:这个function得到一个dict,返回一个dict列表,每个dict都是原dict去掉一个key后的副本。

If the dict has 3 keys from the beginning, then I should get 3 dicts each has 1 key removed.如果字典从一开始就有 3 个键,那么我应该得到 3 个字典,每个字典都删除了 1 个键。

And yes if the key has nested value, they should be removed as well.是的,如果键有嵌套值,它们也应该被删除。 For example if the key happens to be the root key, then it remains an empty dict.例如,如果键恰好是根键,那么它仍然是一个空字典。

Here's my code:这是我的代码:

def iterate_keys(data: dict):
    # This is as far as I can go
    for key, value in data.items():
        if type(value) in [dict, ]:
        elif type(value) in [list, ]:
            for item in value:
                if type(item) in [dict]:
        print(key, value)

# def what_i_really_want(data: dict) -> list:
    # return [dict1, dict2, ...]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_dict = {
        "a": "a",
        "c": {
            "c1": [
                {"c11": "c11"},
                {"c12": "c12"},


For the test_dict in the code, ideally it should return list dicts like blow.对于代码中的 test_dict,理想情况下它应该像 blow 一样返回列表字典。

result_should_be = [
            # with "a" removed
            "c": {
                "c1": [
                    {"c11": "c11"},
                    {"c12": "c12"},
        # with "c11" removed
            "a": "a",
            "c": {
                "c1": [
                    {"c12": "c12"},
        # with "c12" removed
            "a": "a",
            "c": {
                "c1": [
                    {"c11": "c11"},
        # with "c1" removed
            "a": "a",
            "c": {}
        # with "c" removed
            "a": "a"

At the end of the day, I'm creating a bunch of test cases.在一天结束时,我正在创建一堆测试用例。 Hope I made myself clear希望我说清楚

I have really been struggling with this.我真的一直在努力解决这个问题。 Somehow I managed to solve it with two libraries.不知何故,我设法用两个库解决了它。

The first one jsonpathgenerator gets me all the jsonpath of my original data.第一个jsonpathgenerator获取原始数据的所有 jsonpath。 It orginally gave me all the 'leaf' item's jsonpath.它最初给了我所有“叶”项目的 jsonpath。 So I changed the source code a little bit to get every key's jsonpath.所以我稍微更改了源代码以获取每个键的 jsonpath。

The second one jsonpath_ng let me filter a key with jsonpath.第二个 jsonpath_ng 让我用 jsonpath 过滤一个键。

And with a little bit data manipulation I got the result I was looking for.通过一些数据操作,我得到了我想要的结果。

This is for if someone ever run into the same situation as me.这是为了如果有人遇到与我相同的情况。

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