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Multi.Dictionary 组件过期了,可以用Scripting.Dictionary 代替吗?

[英]The Multi.Dictionary component has expired can it be replaced with Scripting.Dictionary?

I was using the MOTO BIT Mdict as my dictionary component, putting all my translations in the Application object as per the below code, and it worked fine, until the component expired 2 days ago for unknown reasons, 12 years later on.我使用 MOTO BIT Mdict 作为我的字典组件,按照下面的代码将我所有的翻译放在应用程序 object 中,它工作正常,直到组件在 2 天前因未知原因过期,12 年后。

The MOTO Bit website is not replying - so now I seek help if anyone knows how I can reprogram the code below to use with the build in asp scripting.dictionary instead. MOTO Bit 网站没有回复 - 所以现在我寻求帮助,如果有人知道我如何重新编程下面的代码以与 asp scripting.dictionary 中的构建一起使用。 Is it possible at all?有可能吗?

Function Write(strID, Comment)

    If ValidNumber(strID) Then
        If (IsObject(Application("Translation_" & StoryCountry)) = False) OR Debugf = True Then

            SET objDic = Server.CreateObject("Multi.Dictionary")
            'Load the translations into the dic object
            set toRs = conn.execute("EXEC dbo.GetTranslationsByCountryID " & StoryCountry)
                If Not toRs.Eof Then
                    tRow = toRs.GetRows()

                        For tx = 0 To UBound(tRow, 2)
                            IF objDic.Exists(tRow(0, tx)) THEN
                                strTranslationKey = tRow(0, tx)
                                strTranslationText = tRow(1, tx)

                                objDic.Add strTranslationKey, strTranslationText
                            END IF

                    SET Application("Translation_" & StoryCountry) = objDic
                End If
            Set toRs = Nothing

        End If
        Write = Application("Translation_" & StoryCountry)(strID)
    Write = "Invalid"
    End If
End Function

Unfortunately, Lord Svendson, using Scripting.Dictionary objects at the Application level is not allowed.不幸的是,Svendson 勋爵不允许在应用程序级别使用 Scripting.Dictionary 对象。 When you attempt to SET Application("Translation_" & StoryCountry) = objDic , it errors for this reason.当您尝试SET Application("Translation_" & StoryCountry) = objDic时,它会因此出错。 You will need to find a workaround to using Scripting.Dictionary您将需要找到使用 Scripting.Dictionary 的解决方法

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