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PhpStorm React 组件奇怪的颜色

[英]PhpStorm React components strange color

Today I restarted my PC and when I launched my React project in PhpStorm I found that all React components usages are in green color.今天我重新启动了我的电脑,当我在 PhpStorm 中启动我的 React 项目时,我发现所有的 React 组件使用都是绿色的。 They used to be in yellow as these in the middle.它们以前是黄色的,就像中间的这些一样。 Has anyone seen something like this?有人见过这样的东西吗?


JSX tags are colored according to Preferences | JSX 标签根据Preferences |着色。 Editor |编辑| Color Scheme |配色方案 | XML, Custom Tag Name settings; XML,自定义标签名称设置; you can specify the desired foreground color there您可以在那里指定所需的前景色

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