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删除生成的每个实体 | Python 熊

[英]Delete every entity that was spawned | Python ursina

How do I delete every Entity that was spawned?如何删除生成的每个实体?

For example:例如:

Entity1 = Entity(...)
Entity2 = Entity(...)
Entity3 = Entity(...)

destroy(scene.entities) # Just an example

How do I delete all those with one or multiple lines of code without appending to a list?如何在不附加到列表的情况下删除所有具有一行或多行代码的代码?

Trying to delete every entity that was intialized试图删除每个已初始化的实体




[destroy(e) for e in scene.entities]

Using a list comprehension can be easier than using a for loop, since it won't mess up the list while you're iterating.使用列表理解比使用 for 循环更容易,因为它不会在您迭代时弄乱列表。

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