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创建一个 function 以列表作为参数并仅保留大于 5 的数字

[英]Create a function which takes a list as an argument and keeps only the numbers that are greater than 5

I am trying to create a function that takes a list as an argument and keeps only the numbers that are greater than 5 by creating a new empty list inside the function and only append it with numbers that are greater than five, looping over the given one.我正在尝试创建一个 function ,它以一个列表作为参数,并通过在 function 中创建一个新的空列表来仅保留大于 5 的数字,并且只有 append 它的数字大于五,循环遍历给定的一个. However, append does not return anything or it returns None.但是,append 不返回任何内容或返回 None。

lst = [[0, 1, 5, 6, 9], [5, 5, 5, 5], [42, 1337], [-100, 100]]

def more_than_five(lst):
  result = []
  for i in range(len(lst)):
    if i > 5:
  return result

Output should be (individually. not as one list):

[42, 1337]

You can use a double comprehension to iterate over a list of lists:您可以使用双重理解来遍历列表列表:

def more_than_five(lst):
    return [[i for i in l if i > 5] for l in lst]

# Output
[[6, 9], [], [42, 1337], [100]]

Without a comprehension:没有理解:

def more_than_five(lst):
    result = []
    for j, l in enumerate(lst):
        for i in l:
            if i > 5:
    return result

# Output
[[6, 9], [], [42, 1337], [100]]

Update : If your function only processes one list at a time:更新:如果您的 function 一次只处理一个列表:

def more_than_five(lst):
    return [i for i in lst if i > 5]

# and so on


def more_than_five(lst):
    result = []
    for i in lst:
        if i > 5:
    return result

# and so on

Output: Output:

[6, 9]
[42, 1337]


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