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Parallel.ForEachAsync 保持排序顺序

[英]Parallel.ForEachAsync keep sort order

I am trying to execute file upload using Parallel.ForEachAsync , it works but loses the sort order.我正在尝试使用Parallel.ForEachAsync执行文件上传,它有效但丢失了排序顺序。 Is there any method to synchronize sort order or source and destination lists?有什么方法可以同步排序顺序或源和目标列表吗?

await Parallel.ForEachAsync(model.DestinationFiles,
    new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 20 }, async (file, CancellationToken) =>
        var storeAsync = await _fileServerService.Init(displayUrl).StoreAsync(file.FileInfo, false, file.OutputFileName);
        convertResultDto.Files.Add(new ConverterConvertResultFile(storeAsync));

Previously I used Linq parallel operator (PLINQ), which has the AsOrdered operator to deal with sorting.之前我用过Linq并行运算符(PLINQ),它有AsOrdered运算符来处理排序。 Anyway, I think the Parallel.ForEachAsync is better for using in async methods with I/O scenario?无论如何,我认为Parallel.ForEachAsync更适合在具有 I/O 场景的异步方法中使用?

var storeFiles = model.DestinationFiles.AsParallel().AsOrdered().WithDegreeOfParallelism(50)
    .Select(file => StoreAsync(file.FileInfo, false, file.OutputFileName).GetAwaiter().GetResult())
    .Select(storeFile => new StoreFile
        FileId = storeFile.FileId,
        Url = storeFile.Url,
        OutputFileName = storeFile.OutputFileName,
        Size = storeFile.Size

In this case, you're wanting to get a set of results and store them in a resulting collection.在这种情况下,您想要获得一组结果并将它们存储在结果集合中。 Parallel is designed for more operations without results. Parallel是为没有结果的更多操作而设计的。 For operations with results, you can use PLINQ for CPU-bound operations or asynchronous concurrency for I/O-bound operations.对于有结果的操作,您可以将 PLINQ 用于 CPU 绑定操作或异步并发用于 I/O 绑定操作。 Unfortunately, there isn't a PLINQ equivalent for Parallel.ForEachAsync , which would be the closest equivalent to your current code.不幸的是,没有Parallel.ForEachAsync的 PLINQ 等价物,这将是最接近您当前代码的等价物。

Asynchronous concurrency uses Task.WhenAll to get the results of multiple asynchronous operations.异步并发使用Task.WhenAll来获取多个异步操作的结果。 It can also use SemaphoreSlim for throttling.它还可以使用SemaphoreSlim进行节流。 Something like this:是这样的:

var mutex = new SemaphoreSlim(20);
var results = await Task.WhenAll(model.DestinationFiles.Select(async file =>
  await mutex.WaitAsync();
    var storeAsync = await _fileServerService.Init(displayUrl).StoreAsync(file.FileInfo, false, file.OutputFileName);
    return new ConverterConvertResultFile(storeAsync);
  finally { mutex.Release(); }

However, if you have a mixture of CPU-bound and I/O-bound operations, then you'll probably want to continue to use ForEachAsync .但是,如果您混合使用受 CPU 限制和 I/O 限制的操作,那么您可能希望继续使用ForEachAsync In that case, you can create the entries in your destination collection first, then perform each operation with an index so it knows where to store them:在这种情况下,您可以先在目标集合中创建条目,然后使用索引执行每个操作,以便它知道将它们存储在哪里:

// This code assumes convertResultDto.Files is empty at this point.
var count = model.DestinationFiles.Count;
convertResultDto.Files.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat<ConverterConvertResultFile>(null!, count));
await Parallel.ForEachAsync(
    model.DestinationFiles.Select((file, i) => (file, i)),
    new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 20 },
    async item =>
      var (file, i) = item;
      var storeAsync = await _fileServerService.Init(displayUrl).StoreAsync(file.FileInfo, false, file.OutputFileName);
      convertResultDto.Files[i] = new ConverterConvertResultFile(storeAsync);

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