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如何将我的代码从 github 拉到我的 vs 代码/计算机上?

[英]How can I pull my code from github on to my vs code/computer?

I've had quite a lot of files this year and not enough space so I had to delete some things.今年我有很多文件,但空间不够,所以我不得不删除一些东西。 However, I need to edit some of those files.但是,我需要编辑其中一些文件。 I have the repo I need on my github, I just don't know the command or how to pull it on to my vscode to edit.我的 github 上有我需要的回购协议,我只是不知道命令或如何将它拉到我的 vscode 上进行编辑。 Can anyone give me the steps on what to do?任何人都可以告诉我该怎么做的步骤吗?

Thank you谢谢

Couple of ways you can do this.有几种方法可以做到这一点。

  1. git clone your repo to your local computer and open that folder with VScode git 将你的 repo 克隆到本地计算机并使用 VScode 打开该文件夹
  2. Install extension where you can clone your repo using vscode.安装扩展,您可以在其中使用 vscode 克隆您的存储库。

VScode is an ide so you should be able to open any folder with it. VScode 是一个 ide 所以你应该能够用它打开任何文件夹。

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