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使用 owlready 2 从 dataframe 将新个体添加到现有本体

[英]Add new Individuals to an existing ontology from a dataframe using owlready 2

I have the following dataframe我有以下dataframe

import pandas as pd

data = [['onto.modify', 'onto.ModificationAction1']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['queries', 'corpus'])

       queries                corpus
0      onto.modify            onto.ModificationAction1

The elements of corpus column are Individuals of a particular Class of an ontology called onto corpus column的元素是称为ontologyonto ClassIndividuals

I want to add the elements of the queries column as individuals to the same Class that the elements of the corpus column belong to.我想将queries column的元素作为individuals添加到corpus column的元素所属的同一个Class

For example if the onto.ModificationAction1 belong to the onto.Thing class the same must be for the onto.modify例如,如果onto.ModificationAction1属于onto.Thing classonto.modify必须相同

Initially, I loop over the corpus columns to find in which Class each Individual belongs to:最初,我遍历corpus columns以查找每个Individual属于哪个Class

for elements in df["corpus"]:
    print (element.is_a)

However, I get back:但是,我回来了:

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'is_a'

So how to solve this error and eventually perform what I am describing above in the example?那么如何解决这个错误并最终执行我在上面的示例中描述的内容呢?

Error happens because values in your dataframe are strings, not individuals.发生错误是因为您的 dataframe 中的值是字符串,而不是个人。 You have to look up an individual based on its name using search() or search_one() (see documentation ).您必须使用search()search_one()根据姓名查找个人(请参阅文档)。 This code should do the job:这段代码应该完成这项工作:

import pandas as pd
import owlready2

data = [['onto.modify', 'onto.ModificationAction1']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['queries', 'corpus'])

onto = owlready2.get_ontology("http://test.org/onto.owl")

class Action(owlready2.Thing):
    namespace = onto

modification_action = Action(name="ModificationAction1")

for row in df.iterrows():
    row_series = row[1]
    # Trow away ontology name, get only individual name
    corpus_individual_name = row_series['corpus'].split('.', 1)[1]
    # Find individual
    corpus_individual = onto.search_one(iri=onto.base_iri + corpus_individual_name)
    # Get individual classes
    corpus_classes = corpus_individual.is_a
    # Trow away ontology name, get only individual name
    query_individual_name = row_series['queries'].split('.', 1)[1]
    # Create new individual with first class of old individual
    new_individual = corpus_classes[0](name=query_individual_name)
    # In case old individual is multiclass, add remaining classes to new individual
    for corpus_class in corpus_classes[1:]:

for i in onto.individuals():
    print(i, i.is_a)

You can see the new individual in the output along with its class.您可以在 output 及其 class 中看到新个人。

onto.ModificationAction1 [onto.Action]
onto.modify [onto.Action]

PS: I'm assuming here that you have only one ontology -- onto . PS:我在这里假设你只有一个本体—— onto If not, you should either 1) Have a lookup dictionary for ontologies to map "onto" into actual ontology object/IRI, or 2) instead of “onto.”如果不是,你应该 1) 有一个本体的查找字典 map "onto"到实际的本体对象/IRI,或者 2) 而不是“onto.” prefix specify full IRI in your dataframe and lookup ontology by IRI.前缀在您的 dataframe 中指定完整的 IRI,并通过 IRI 查找本体。

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