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Package 管理器控制台未显示

[英]Package manager console not showing

The package manager console in my visual studio 2022 is no longer showing.我的 visual studio 2022 中的 package 管理器控制台不再显示。 It used to show but suddenly it stopped coming up.它曾经显示,但突然停止出现。 Kindly enlighten me on how to make sure it come up when I need it.请告诉我如何确保它在我需要时出现。

I went through Tools - Manage package Manager - Package Manager Console but it's not coming up我经历了工具 - 管理 package 管理器 - Package 管理器控制台,但它没有出现

After you select Tools->Nuget Package Manager->Package Manager Console, even if the window cannot be seen, VS2022 should be in the "selected" state for this window.在你select Tools->Nuget Package Manager->Package Manager Console之后,即使看不到window,VS2022也应该在为这个window“选中”state。

Therefore, "Window" Settings on the top of the VS2022 will be able to control the current Package Manager Console window, please try to open the Package Manager Console and then click Window->Dock as tabbed Document, this setting will maximize the Package Manager Console window:所以VS2022上面的“Window”设置就能控制当前Package Manager Console window,请尝试打开Package Manager Console然后点击Window->Dock as tabbed Document,这个设置会最大化Package Manager控制台 window:



Or you can try to reset the layout of the VS2022 via Window->Reset Window layout:或者您可以尝试通过 Window->Reset Window 布局来重置 VS2022 的布局:


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