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[英]Package Manager Console issues

I installed Asp.net MVC 3 beta which also installs NuPack, but when I open a project in Visual Studio 2010 Express, the Package Manager Console gives me this error message: 我安装了Asp.net MVC 3 beta,它也安装了NuPack,但是当我在Visual Studio 2010 Express中打开一个项目时,Package Manager Console给出了以下错误消息:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState' from assembly 'System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.
   at NuPackConsole.Host.PowerShell.Implementation.PowerShellHostProvider.CreateHost(IConsole console)
   at NuPackConsole.Implementation.PowerConsole.HostInfo.get_WpfConsole()
   at NuPackConsole.Implementation.PowerConsoleToolWindow.get_WpfConsole()System.InvalidOperationException: Can't start ConsoleDispatcher. Host is null.
   at NuPackConsole.Implementation.Console.ConsoleDispatcher.Start()
   at NuPackConsole.Implementation.PowerConsoleToolWindow.MoveFocus(FrameworkElement consolePane)

I have been able to download packages via the "Add Package Reference" menu option, but not with the Package Manager Console. 我可以通过“添加包参考”菜单选项下载包,但不能通过包管理器控制台下载包。 Please what could the problem be? 请问问题是什么? Thanks. 谢谢。

Download the Windows Management Framework Core package which contains PowerShell 2. 下载包含PowerShell 2的Windows Management Framework核心软件包

Use the one that matches your version of Windows. 使用与您的Windows版本匹配的那个。

I got exactly the same, and as the stack explicitly mentions PowerShell I searched / downloaded / installed (& unfortunately were asked to restart) ... done :) 我完全一样,并且堆栈明确提到PowerShell我搜索/下载/安装(不幸被要求重启)...完成:)

NuPack Console requires PowerShell 2.0, so make sure that you have it installed. NuPack控制台需要PowerShell 2.0,因此请确保已安装它。 If you are running this on Windows XP, this might not be the case. 如果您在Windows XP上运行它,可能不是这种情况。

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