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我的 email 模板中的 CSS 在 yahoo email 上不起作用

[英]The CSS from my email templates does not work on yahoo email

I have built a few email templates the issue is that the CSS is not working on yahoo / outlook / windows native app etc. Pretty much anything that is not mac or google.我已经构建了一些 email 模板,问题是 CSS 在 yahoo / outlook / windows 本机应用程序等上不起作用。几乎所有不是 mac 或 google 的东西。

I did write the templates using tables but for the CSS I used the style tag because I want the templates to also be responsive.我确实使用表格编写了模板,但对于 CSS,我使用了样式标签,因为我希望模板也能响应。

I will leave some code examples below maybe you can point out my mistake.我将在下面留下一些代码示例,也许您可以指出我的错误。

 <style type="text/css" data-hse-inline-css="true">
      * {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

      body {
        background-color: #ebeff5;
        font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;

      td {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

      table {
        border-spacing: 0;

      img {
        width: 100%;
        border: 0;

      p {
        font-size: 20px;
        color: #39506f;
        line-height: 30px;

      a {
        text-decoration: none;
        cursor: pointer;

      .wrapper {
        width: 100%;
        table-layout: fixed;
        background-color: #ebeff5;

      .main {
        background-color: #ebeff5;
        margin: 0 auto;
        width: 100%;
        max-width: 750px;
        padding: 35px 15px;

      .spacing-one {
        height: 15px;

      .spacing-two {
        height: 25px;

      .card {
        padding: 20px;
        background-color: #ffffff;
        border-radius: 5px;

      .main-font {
        font-size: 30px;
        color: #1b3040;
        font-weight: 400;
    <main class="wrapper">
      <table class="main">
          <td class="card">
            <table width="100%">
              <tr class="spacing-two"></tr>
                  <h1 class="main-font">Hey {{name}},</h1>
              <tr class="spacing-one"></tr>
              <tr class="spacing-one"></tr>
                <td style="height: 56px">
                  <a href="{{url}}" target="_blank">
                    <span class="main-button"
                      >Reset Password
              <tr class="spacing-one"></tr>

The biggest issue here is that not all email clients support HTML5 semantics (like the <main> tag you're using).这里最大的问题是并非所有 email 客户端都支持 HTML5 语义(比如您正在使用的<main>标签)。 And email clients will behave very differently in how they do not support it.而 email 客户端在不支持它的方式上表现得非常不同。 You can refer to Can I email for details on support of HTML5 semantics . HTML5语义的支持可以参考Can I email。

For example, Gmail does not support the <main> tag.例如,Gmail 不支持<main>标签。 But it will change it into a <div> element and apply the same class attribute you had in the first place, making this seamless.但它会将其更改为<div>元素并应用您最初拥有的相同class属性,从而实现无缝连接。

Yahoo, however, will remove the <main> element completely, thus also removing the styles you wanted to apply on it.然而,Yahoo 将完全删除<main>元素,因此也删除了您想要应用的 styles。

In your case, changing <main class="wrapper"> into <div class="wrapper"> is enough to make it work in Yahoo.在您的情况下,将<main class="wrapper">更改为<div class="wrapper">足以使其在 Yahoo 中工作。

This might not be enough for Outlook on Windows and Windows native client as both of those use Word as a rendering engine and have very poor support for CSS. Thinks like margin:0 auto or max-width won't work.这对于 Windows 上的 Outlook 和 Windows 本机客户端来说可能还不够,因为它们都使用 Word 作为渲染引擎并且对 CSS 的支持非常差。认为margin:0 automax-width将不起作用。 You will have to rely on conditional comments, tables and eventually mso specific styles to get a proper rendering for Outlook on Windows.您将不得不依赖条件注释、表格和最终mso特定的 styles 才能在 Windows 上正确呈现 Outlook。

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