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如何连接 SQL 中的列?

[英]How to concat columns in SQL?

PostgreSQL 15.0 I want to make a query that concats two different columns into one. PostgreSQL 15.0 我想进行一个查询,将两个不同的列合并为一个。

Desired outcome I showed in the exapmle (it's not a real one but it would be useful to understand on this example).我在示例中显示的期望结果(它不是真实的,但理解这个示例会很有用)。

I've used CONCAT but it does't create new column, just concatenation.我使用过 CONCAT 但它不会创建新列,只是连接。 How do I get:如何得到:

id       Col1        Col2
1        foo          10
2        bar          42
3        baz          14


id           NewColumn
1             foo: 10
2             bar: 42
3             baz: 14
create table t (id int, col1 text, col2 int);

insert into t values
    (1, 'foo', 10),
    (2, 'bar', 42), 
    (2, 'baz', 14), 
    (2, null, 14),
    (2, 'wow', null);
   select id, coalesce(col1, '') || ': ' || coalesce(col2::text, '') AS NewColumn FROM t

check the live demo here https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/sNANpwdUPdJfUaSQ77MQUM/1在此处查看现场演示https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/sNANpwdUPdJfUaSQ77MQUM/1

and read docs here https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-string.html并在此处阅读文档https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-string.html

And do not forget about null values并且不要忘记 null 值

But if you want to create a really new column in the table as a result of concatenation:但是如果你想在表中创建一个真正的新列作为连接的结果:

alter table t 
    add column NewColumn text 
        coalesce(col1, '') || ': ' || coalesce(col2::text, '')
    ) STORED;

select id, NewColumn FROM t

Check the live demo here https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/sNANpwdUPdJfUaSQ77MQUM/2在此处查看现场演示https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/sNANpwdUPdJfUaSQ77MQUM/2

And documentation https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/ddl-generated-columns.html和文档https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/ddl-generated-columns.html

You can use below statement,您可以使用以下语句,

select id, Col1||': '||Col2 as NewColumn from table_name;

In order to get Col1 and Col2 as well, you can use below,为了同时获得 Col1 和 Col2,您可以在下面使用,

select id, Col1, Col2, Col1||': '||Col2 as NewColumn from table_name;

SELECT Name, CONCAT(col1, " ", col2) AS NewColumn FROM Data;

this code concat the 2 column in table, see more info here此代码连接表中的 2 列,请在此处查看更多信息

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