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有没有办法在 Power Automate 中编写表达式以从 SurveyMonkey 检索项目?

[英]Is there a way to write an Expression in Power Automate to retrieve item from SurveyMonkey?

There is no dynamic content you can get from the SurveyMonkey trigger in Power Automate except for the Analyze URL, Created Date, and Link.除了分析 URL、创建日期和链接之外,您无法从 Power Automate 中的 SurveyMonkey 触发器获取任何动态内容。 Is it possible I could retrieve the data with an expression so I could add fields to SharePoint or send emails based on answers to questions?我是否可以使用表达式检索数据,以便将字段添加到 SharePoint 或根据问题的答案发送电子邮件?

For instance, here is some JSON data for a county multiple choice field, that I would like to know the county so I can have the email sent to the correct person: { "id": "753498214", "answers": [ { "choice_id": "4963767255", "simple_text": "Williamson" } ], "family": "single_choice", "subtype": "menu", "heading": "County where the problem is occurring:" }例如,这里有一个县多项选择字段的一些 JSON 数据,我想知道这个县,这样我就可以将 email 发送给正确的人:{ "id": "753498214", "answers": [ { "choice_id": "4963767255", "simple_text": "Williamson" } ], "family": "single_choice", "subtype": "menu", "heading": "发生问题的县:" }

And basically, a way to create dynamic fields from the content so it would be more usable?基本上,一种从内容创建动态字段的方法,这样它会更有用? I am a novice so your answer will have to assume I know nothing.我是新手,所以您的回答必须假设我一无所知。 Thanks for considering the question.感谢您考虑这个问题。

Overall, anything I have tried is unsuccessful!总的来说,我尝试过的任何事情都不成功!

I was able to get an answer on Microsoft Power Users support.我能够得到有关 Microsoft Power Users 支持的答案。

Put this data in compose action: {将此数据放入撰写操作中:{

"id": "753498214",

"answers": [


    "choice_id": "4963767255",

    "simple_text": "Williamson"



"family": "single_choice",

"subtype": "menu",

"heading": "County where the problem is occurring:"

} }

Then these expressions in additional compose actions:然后这些表达式在额外的组合动作中:

To get choice_id: outputs('Compose')?['answers']?[0]?['choice_id']获取 choice_id:outputs('Compose')?['answers']?[0]?['choice_id']

To get simple_text: outputs('Compose')?['answers']?[0]?['simple_text']获取 simple_text: outputs('Compose')?['answers']?[0]?['simple_text']

Reference link here where I retrieved the answer is here.我检索答案的参考链接在这里。 https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/General-Power-Automate/How-to-write-an-expression-to-retrieve-answer/mp/1960784#M114215 https://poweusers.microsoft.com/t5/General-Power-Automate/How-to-write-an-expression-to-retrieve-answer/mp/1960784#M114215

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