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如何在两个不同的工作表上将 COUNTIFS 与两个特定实例一起使用

[英]How to use COUNTIFS with two specific instances on two different sheets

I am getting an error message.我收到一条错误消息。

=COUNTIFS(Sheet1:B2,B33, "Serial Examples": Sheet2,B2:B35, "Logos") =COUNTIFS(Sheet1:B2,B33, "系列示例": Sheet2,B2:B35, "Logos")

I am wanting to get a total of the number of occurences when these two criteria are met.当满足这两个条件时,我想得到总的发生次数。

I don't know what I am doing wrong.我不知道我做错了什么。 Please offer a suggestion.请提出建议。

Ranges Sheet1:B2:B33 and Sheet2!B2:B35 are not the same size范围 Sheet1:B2:B33 和 Sheet2!B2:B35 大小不同

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