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就地舍入和覆盖 xarray 数据

[英]Round and overwrite xarray data in place

I want to round all of the values in a xarray to 2 decimal places.我想将 xarray 中的所有值四舍五入到小数点后两位。

I have tried the following:我尝试了以下方法:

def round_dim(data_arr):
   data_arr.data = data_arr.data.round(decimals = 2)
   return data_arr

I call it as such:我这样称呼它:

data_values = <xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray>
data_values = round_dim(data_values)

I would expect data_values to now how the same values but rounded to 2 decimal places but this does not happen.我希望data_values现在如何使用相同的值但四舍五入到小数点后两位,但这并没有发生。


When I look at the data it is as follows:当我查看数据时,它如下所示:

def round_dim(data_arr):
   #(data_arr.values) is [-50.406578, -50.415337, -50.42315]
   data_arr.data = data_arr.data.round(decimals = 2)
   #(data_arr.values) is [-50.41, -50.42, -50.42]
   return data_arr

As can be seen after data_arr.data = data_arr.data.round(decimals = 2) I do get the correct rounding.data_arr.data = data_arr.data.round(decimals = 2)之后可以看出,我确实得到了正确的舍入。

However, doing:但是,做:

data_values = <xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray>
data_values = round_dim(data_values)


I do not get the correct rounded values, instead:我没有得到正确的舍入值,而是:

[-50.409999, -50.419998, -50.419998]

I would expect the data array to look like [-50.41, -50.42, -50.42]我希望数据数组看起来像[-50.41, -50.42, -50.42]

If you want to apply round(decimals = 2) to your whole dataset, you can use xarray.Dataset.map .如果要将round(decimals = 2)应用于整个数据集,可以使用xarray.Dataset.map

It returns a copy of the original dataset with all its data rounded, it does not work in place.它返回原始数据集的副本及其所有数据四舍五入,它不能在原地工作。

import numpy as np
import xarray

dataset = xarray.Dataset()
dataset["a"] = xarray.DataArray(np.linspace(0, 1, 10))
dataset["b"] = xarray.DataArray(np.arange(10))
# <xarray.Dataset>
# ...
#    a        (dim_0) float64 0.0 0.1111 0.2222 0.3333 ... 0.7778 0.8889 1.0
#    b        (dim_0) int32 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

def round_dim(dataset):
    return dataset.map(lambda a: np.round(a, decimals=2))

dataset = round_dim(dataset)
# <xarray.Dataset>
# ...
#     a        (dim_0) float64 0.0 0.11 0.22 0.33 0.44 0.56 0.67 0.78 0.89 1.0
#     b        (dim_0) int32 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

So the issue was to do with the dtype of the data.所以问题与dtype的数据类型有关。 Apparently dtype of float32 does not do well with .round .显然dtypefloat32不适合.round

To fix the issue, I converted the data to dtype float64 using .astype('float64') and the rounding works as expected.为了解决这个问题,我使用.astype('float64')将数据转换为dtype float64 ,并且舍入按预期进行。

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