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错误:给出了 x、y 坐标但未指定 window (spatstat)

[英]Error: x,y coords given but no window specified (spatstat)

I am generating a landscape pattern that evolves over time.我正在生成一个随时间演变的景观模式。 The problem with the code is that I have clearly defined a window for the object bringing up the error but the window is not being recognised.代码的问题是我已经为 object 明确定义了一个 window 来引发错误,但是 window 没有被识别。 I also do not see how any points are falling outside of the window, or how that would make a difference.我也看不出有什么点落在 window 之外,或者这会有什么不同。


# Define the window
win <- owin(c(0, 100), c(0, 100))

# Define the point cluster
cluster1 <- rMatClust(kappa = 0.0005, scale = 0.1, mu = 20, 
                      win = win, center = c(5,5))

# define the spread of the points
spread_rate <- 1

# Plot the initial cluster
plot(win, main = "Initial cluster")
points(cluster1, pch = 20, col = "red")
# Loop for n years
for (i in 1:years) {
  # Generate new points that spread from the cluster
  newpoints[[1]] <-rnorm(new_nests_per_year, mean = centroid.owin(cluster1)$y, sd = spread_rate)
  newpoints[[2]] <-rnorm(new_nests_per_year, mean = centroid.owin(cluster1)$x, sd = spread_rate)
  # Convert the list to a data frame
  newpoints_df <- data.frame(newpoints)
  # Rename the columns of the data frame
  colnames(newpoints_df) <- c("x", "y")
  # Combine the new points with the existing points
  cluster1_df <- data.frame(cluster1)
  cluster1<-as.ppp(newtotaldf, x = newtotaldf$x, y = newtotaldf$y,
                   window = win)
  # Plot the updated cluster
  plot(win, main = paste("Cluster after year", i))
  points(cluster1, pch = 20, col = "red")

However, when I run line:但是,当我运行时:

 cluster1<-as.ppp(newtotaldf, x = newtotaldf$x, y = newtotaldf$y,
                   window = win)

I recieve the error:我收到错误:

Error: x,y coords given but no window specified

Why would this be the case?为什么会这样?

In your code, if you use the command W = win it should solve the issue.在您的代码中,如果您使用命令W = win它应该可以解决问题。 I also believe you can simplify the command without specifying x and y :我也相信您可以在不指定xy的情况下简化命令:

## ...[previous code]...

cluster1 <- as.ppp(newtotaldf, W = win)

points(cluster1, pch = 20, col = "red")



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