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如何更改获取列表的输出,或在 FastAPI 中使用备用序列化程序?

[英]How to alter the ouput of a get list, or use an alternate serializer in FastAPI?

I'm trying to alter the content of a list view on FastAPI, depending on a get parameter.我正在尝试根据 get 参数更改 FastAPI 上列表视图的内容。 As the format is defined by a pydantic model, how can I customize it (or use an alternative model from within the view)?由于格式由 pydantic model 定义,我如何自定义它(或在视图中使用替代 model)?

Here's my view:这是我的观点:

from fastapi_pagination import Page, Params, paginate
from pydantic import BaseModel
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

class EventSerializer(BaseModel):
    id: str
    # ...

class EventAttendeeSerializer(BaseModel):
    id: str
    event: str  # contains the event UUID
    # ...

    class Config:
        orm_mode = True

@api.get("/", response_model=Page[EventAttendeeSerializer])
async def get_list(db: Session, pagination: Params = Depends(), extend: str = None):
    objects = db.query(myDbModel).all()
    if "event" in extend.split(","):
        # return EventSerializer for each object instead of id
    return paginate(objects, pagination)

At runtime, it would work like this:在运行时,它会像这样工作:

GET /v1/event-attendees/
    "items": [
            "id": <event_attendee_id>,
            "event": <event_id>,
    "total": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "size": 50,
GET /v1/event-attendees/?extend=event
    "items": [
            "id": <event_attendee_id>,
            "event": {
                "id": <event_id>,
                # ...
    "total": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "size": 50,

I searched for some kind of hooks in the pydantic and FastAPI docs and source code, but did not find anything relevant.我在 pydantic 和 FastAPI 文档和源代码中搜索了某种挂钩,但没有找到任何相关内容。 Anyone can help please?有人可以帮忙吗?

You can decalre a response_model using Union (of two types) and return the model your wish if a condition is met.您可以使用Union (两种类型)对response_model进行decalre,并在满足条件时返回您希望的 model。 Since you are returning a list of objects/models, you can have response_model declared as a List of Union .由于您要返回对象/模型列表,因此可以将response_model声明为Union List

Working Example工作示例

from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List, Union

class Simple(BaseModel):
    id: int

class Specific(Simple):
    description: str

    'id': 1,
    'description': 'test'

app = FastAPI()

@app.get('/results', response_model=List[Union[Specific, Simple]])
def get_results(specific: bool = False):
    if specific:
        results = [Specific(**RESULT)] * 2
        results = [Simple(**RESULT)] * 2

    return results

Using FastAPI 0.89.0+ , you can alternatively declare the return type / response_model in the function return type annotation , for instance:使用 FastAPI 0.89.0+ ,您可以选择在 function 返回类型注释中声明返回类型 / response_model ,例如:

def get_results(specific: bool = False) -> List[Union[Specific, Simple]]:
    if specific:
        # ...

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